Read How Tongxinluo Treatment is Dealing with Cardio Vascular Diseases in 2024

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Tongxinluo Capsules are one of the best ways to deal with cardiovascular diseases when it comes to Chinese medicine. This article explains why this is. 


Every year humans die of certain diseases in which cancer takes the number one spot but do you know that cardiovascular diseases also termed CVDs account for 17.9 million deaths annually? This number makes this disease a leading cause of mortality in humans. 

Heart and blood vessel illnesses together referred to as CVDs include rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease. A person may be asymptomatic, not feeling anything at all, or symptomatic can be the one who is physically experiencing the condition.

More frightening stats are now emerging from the United States where about half of all people have at least one type of heart disease. To control cardiovascular disease, you could alter your lifestyle or your doctor might recommend medication but in recent years, Chinese medicine has shown extremely good results when dealing with such diseases especially the Tongxinluo capsules from Yiling. How these separate breeds of medicine have been able to achieve? Well, we are going to break this down below:

Traditional Ingredients for Unblocking of Vessels:

Our bodies use collateral circulation to get past obstructions in blood flow and collateral circulation is a system of fallback blood channels that your body may employ to maintain blood flow. But sometimes, poor eating habits and lifestyles can cause failure in this circulation system. 

Many natural ingredients from different sources in TCM including cicadae periostracum, polyphagia steleophaga, scolopendra, and even leech and scorpions are clinically shown to have strong effects on the blocked vessels and static blood obstructing collaterals. Moreover, these agents also work to reduce triglycerides while increasing high-density lipoprotein in our bloodstream.  

The Tongxinluo capsules from Yiling are tested with overwhelming results showing that this product combined with statin can significantly improve the lipid-lowering effect than statin used alone and also reduces aspirin resistance making it extremely efficient when dealing with major collateral pathways seen with SVC or IVC obstructions. 

Another commonly used ingredient is ginseng which has many positive impacts on human health, especially for the heart. It is a partial agonist of steroid hormone receptors and shares structural similarities with steroid hormones. It also aids the dissolution of hard, insoluble salts like calcium oxalate, which has been identified as a primary cause of heart disease and several other age-related illnesses.

Correcting the Qi Deficiency:

The body is made up of tiny, mobile particles called Qi are the base of the energy that drives human physiological and mental functions. As stated in Chinese medicine, one of the most vital components of the body is Qi and its deficiency in the body can directly affect our heart. Overexertion, improper eating habits, and emotional imbalances are the major causes of Qi deficiency in our bodies. 

Other major reasons for such deficiency can be triggered by irregular eating, missing meals, undereating, and overeating. Anxiety and overanalysis can cause mental stress and damage our Qi levels. The most common symptoms related to such problems are hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, deviated tongue and mouth, and sluggish speech. If acute levels occur, then people can face coronary heart diseases, oppression in the chest, rough pulse patterns, and more. 

TCM also comes with a wide array of aromatic drugs which are known to relieve mental stress and also pack tons of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation properties. These solutions also reduce blood viscosity and improve sleep quality. Ingredients like peonies radix rubra, Santali albi lignum, aubergine odoriferous lignum, olibanum, and ziziphi spinosad semen are readily used to give an antioxidant boost to our bodies. 

Chinese medicine has come up with many remedies to deal with such deficiencies and to avoid such symptoms. You can find many brands that claim to give results but often fail to deliver due to a lack of profound medical research. Tongxinluo from Yiling is proven to activate blood flow unblock the collaterals and relieve pain which directly affects overall Qi levels in our bodies.  

Aside from the medicine, prevention is always better than cure. This is why we recommend obtaining enough deep i.e. peaceful deep sleep.

We should always be engaging in regular exercise, such as yoga or other practices that emphasize breathing and also bring healing to our bodies. Also, keeping up a healthy diet in our daily routine along with maintaining psychological well-being directly impacts our cardiac health and overall body status.


Generally speaking, inadequate digestion or nutrition are the causes of Qi deficit. Another factor that can lead to Qi shortage is restricted respiration caused by bad posture, long-term stress, or illness. TCM has been significantly productive in dealing with cardiac problems in humans thanks to all-natural and scientifically proven ingredients. Tongxinluo capsules from Yiling are suitable for those having cardiovascular problems and Qi deficiencies.