Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane weather: When the rain will end

Sydney continues to be lashed by torrential rain and thunderstorms after Monday’s wild weather caused flash flooding in the city.

And the bad news is that Sydneysiders will have to deal with the spring rain bomb for several more days, with rain also expected across the country.

The wet weather followed the Bureau of Meteorology predicting above-average rainfall for southern and eastern parts of Australia this summer.

β€œWe saw the most storms in the southern suburbs. The intensity of the rain and how quickly it fell led to flash flooding in the city,” senior BoM meteorologist Miriam Bradbury told Sunrise.

She said this caused disruptions to traffic and transport, with rainfall reaching as much as 30 to 40 millimeters in the space of 40 minutes.

‘There was so much rain that our drainage systems became overloaded. Sydney often comes to a standstill during these rain showers,” she said.

The meteorologist said rainy weather is expected on the east coast in the coming days.

Sydney continues to be lashed by torrential rain and thunderstorms after Monday’s wild weather caused flash flooding in the city

Thursday probably won’t be as bad as the first half of the week, but it will get very wet and noisy again by the weekend.

“The next best chance of storms for Sydney, and the day we need to be prepared for, is more likely to be Friday, when another burst of unstable weather will move up the east coast, raising the risk of storms again,” Ms Bradbury said. .

She also looked ahead to the coming cyclone season, which runs from November to April.

‘For the 2024-2025 cyclone season we expect an average number of cyclones, which is eleven. That is the long-term average,” she said.

‘Normally four of these cyclones pass the Australian coastline, although it is too early to say how many will do so this season.

‘However, we see an increased risk of more severe cyclones, category three or higher, due to warmer than average ocean temperatures in the north.’

Because many people were already looking forward to their Christmas and summer holidays, the forecaster had mixed news about the weather.

β€œThe long-term forecast for November to January suggests we will see warmer than average conditions across Australia, both day and night,” she said.

‘We are likely to see above-average rainfall in the eastern and southern parts of the country, especially in the south-eastern areas.

β€œIn the West it may not be above or below average; it really depends on whether we get more storm systems moving through us.”


There will be showers in Sydney on Tuesday and a high of 20 degrees.

The city will receive more rain on Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from 13 to 19 degrees.

Thursday will be cloudy, with a minimum temperature of 13 and a maximum temperature of 23.

The rain returns on Friday, with temperatures rising from 18 degrees to a maximum temperature of 27 degrees.

The bad news is that Sydneysiders will have to deal with the spring rain bomb for several more days

The bad news is that Sydneysiders will have to deal with the spring rain bomb for several more days


The Queensland capital will experience possible showers and a high of 26 degrees on Tuesday.

There may also be a shower on Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from 16 to 26 degrees.

Thursday will be partly cloudy, with a temperature range of 16 degrees to 28 degrees.

There may be a late shower on Friday, with temperatures going from a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 30 degrees.


WA’s capital will see a morning shower or two on Tuesday, with a high temperature of 22 degrees.

Perth will see showers on Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from a low of 11 to a high of 21 degrees.

There will be a morning shower or two on Thursday, with the temperature rising from 13 degrees to 20 degrees.

Friday it will be cloudy, with a minimum temperature of 12 and a maximum temperature of 23 degrees.


The South Australian capital will experience showers and a possible storm on Tuesday, with a high temperature of 29 degrees.

Wednesday will be mainly sunny, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 28 degrees.

There will be showers and a temperature range of 16 to 30 degrees on Thursday.

And on Friday there are likely to be showers and strong winds, with a minimum temperature of 15 degrees and a maximum of 20 degrees.

The Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House were shrouded in clouds and mist on Monday

The Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House were shrouded in clouds and mist on Monday


It will be a maximum of 26 degrees in Melbourne on Tuesday, with the city possibly receiving a late shower.

On Wednesday there will be a few showers and a temperature range of 15 to 24 degrees.

Thursday will be similar, with a few showers and a temperature range of 15 to 26 degrees.

There will be showers on Friday and the temperature will vary from 15 degrees to 20 degrees.


It will be cloudy in the capital on Tuesday with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees.

There will be a few showers in Canberra on Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from a low of 5 degrees to a high of 20 degrees.

There may be a shower on Thursday with maximum temperatures of 6 to 26 degrees.

There will be showers on Friday and the temperature will rise from 12 to 23 degrees.

Hailstones (pictured) fell in some parts of Sydney during a wild storm on Monday

Hailstones (pictured) fell in some parts of Sydney during a wild storm on Monday


The NT capital may see showers on Tuesday, with highs of 33 degrees.

There will be some showers on Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from 26 to 34 degrees.

There will be a possible shower in Darwin on Thursday with temperatures between 26 degrees and 33 degrees.

There will be some showers on Friday, with a minimum of 26 degrees and a maximum temperature of 33 degrees.


The Tasmanian capital will be sunny on Tuesday with a high of 19 degrees.

Wednesday will be partly cloudy, with a low of 8 and a high of 22 degrees.

It will also be partly cloudy on Thursday, with temperatures ranging from 11 degrees to 20 degrees.

There may be a few showers in Hobart on Friday, with a low of 12 degrees and a high of 18 degrees.