‘Racist Karen’ who went on a rant for ‘not knowing what Hermes’ is declared BANKRUPT in 2019

A white woman who uttered a racist tirade at a pool party and yelled at a Latino family for not knowing what Hermes is was declared bankrupt in 2019.

Blair Featherman, 49, lashed out at the family on Friday during the racist tirade in Colorado, where she had to be held by a man from her own party.

Court documents obtained by DailyMail.com show that the mother-of-two filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and only had $100 in her checking account and $20 in cash at the time.

The Lakewood woman called the group “garbage” and told them to “go back to Denver” and berated them for “not knowing what Hermes is.”

She started the rant at her apartment complex, where apartments cost up to $6,500 a month to rent.

Featherman earned $14,088 for the 2018 calendar year and $42,670 for 2017 according to bankruptcy filings

Blair Featherman, 49, was recorded lashing out at family on Friday during the racist rant in Colorado – where she had to be held by a man from her own party

Federal court records show her bankruptcy filing was finalized in June 2022, revealing that she is unmarried and last lived in Denver’s Englewood.

According to the documents, she earned $14,088 for the 2018 calendar year and $42,670 for 2017, as well as $31,200 in child support in 2018 and $37,440 the year before.

The mom-of-two, who billed herself as an art consultant and feng shui expert, had a $2,493 judgment against her in Colorado courts a year before her bankruptcy by Synchrony Bank.

She also claimed $1,440 in unemployment in 2018, as well as a list of $57,263 in student loans and a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee worth $19,413.

Despite boasting that she knew what Hermes was, in 2019 she claimed to have $400 worth of items in her closet, as well as $300 for a TV and laptop.

The documents also show that she listed $1,500 for various items in her home, including bedroom and dining room furniture.

She also said she owed the IRS $17,000 in federal income tax and the Colorado Department of Revenue $1,500 — as well as more than $39,000 in attorney fees.

According to the documents, she also owed money to a payday loan company, multiple credit card companies, and the cost of a bounced check.

Court documents obtained by DailyMail.com show the mother-of-two filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and only had $100 in her checking account and $20 in cash at the time

Video shows the moment Featherman hurled racial abuse at a Latino family for throwing a party at a pool in Colorado — in a posh apartment complex where she lives

Despite boasting that she knew what Hermes was, in 2019 she claimed to have $400 worth of items in her closet, as well as $300 for a TV and laptop

Her two daughters were 11 and 9 at the time of the filing, and she worked in administration for a window and door center in Englewood, Colorado.

Featherman used to work at Master’s Gallery Denver, which issued a statement distancing herself from her, adding that she: “condemns any actions or statements that express hatred or racism.”

She also ran her own home styling and interior design company, Spatial Flow By Design Inc, where she claimed to be an expert in feng shui – the art of creating tranquility and harmony through the arrangement of objects in a room.

The footage shows her yelling and harassing the family in the clip, at one point yelling “Get the f*** out.”

Before that, an added commentary from the app’s voice feature labeling the woman as “racist Karen” can be heard, while an accompanying caption asks social media users to help identify her.

The footage then jumps to what is presumed to be a few minutes later, with Featherman now being held by a male member of her own party on one of the lounge chairs by the pool.

“Yes, it’s true,” the bikini-clad Featherman can be heard saying in the much-seen clip, visibly annoyed by the group’s presence. “You have a great Mexican party in a swimming pool”

Blair Featherman, 49, is credited as the racist ‘Karen’ from the clip, where she swears and yells at a Latino family

She called the group “trash” and told them to “go back to Denver.” The ordeal took place at her apartment complex, where apartments cost up to $6,500 a month to rent (pictured)

In the midst of the commotion, you can still hear her making xenophobic statements like “Get the f**k out” and “go back to Denver.”

Featherman continues to scream and yell for almost the entire duration of the video, which lasts just under a minute.

When asked by one of the victims to leave the pool herself, she is heard to reply that she lives in Lakewood – the affluent suburb where the complex is located.

At one point, she is heard to angrily say to the family, who had been having a poolside bash, “I live here, you haven’t come from anywhere, you f****** low-class slime.”

She then yells, “You don’t even know what Hermes is!” To which one of the women in the crowd flashes her scandals and says, “I’ve got it on my scandals, b***h.”

Featherman then says, “Oh and this one? Wait a minute, this is good, this one?’ She appears to be placing a pill-sized object in the palm of her hand as someone says “no no no” in the background.

Then a clip shows Featherman squirming on the lounger while a man, presumably in her entourage, frantically makes a phone call and holds her by the shoulder.

People are now labeling Featherman as a “racist Karen,” after the filmed incident. Police arrived at the scene, but it is unclear whether she has been arrested

When asked by one of the victims to leave the pool on her own, she is heard to reply that she lives in Lakewood – the affluent suburb where the complex is set – while still throwing insults.

The woman who posted the video online wrote: ‘According to this karen, all Mexicans are low class. I hope this video is found by her colleagues, family and friends.

“Doing that on a family barbecue with kids is just disgusting. It’s so sad when you get ethnically profiled just because of your skin color. We got so much support from the last video posted.

Let’s keep the comments appropriate so we can continue to spread awareness. Justice will be served when we receive an apology (which we still don’t have).’

Master’s Gallery Denver, Featherman’s former employer, said in a statement: “It has come to our attention that a former employee has taken to social media with hateful and offensive statements.

Master’s Gallery Denver has not employed this individual in over 5 years and condemns any actions or statements that express hatred or racism.

“We represent and support artists and people from all backgrounds and will continue to do so.”

It is still unclear who called the police. DailyMail.com has reached out to the Lakewood Police Department for comment.

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