Rabbi Shmuley Boteach dresses as a ‘Candace Owens Jew’ for Purim and pretends to sip on Christian blood in bizarre video after conservative commentator left The Daily Wire following clashes with Ben Shapiro over Israel Hamas war

Author and radio host Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has continued his feud with former The Daily Wire commentator Candace Owens, posting a bizarre video of himself on Purim dressed as a “Candace Owens Jew.”

Owens and The Daily Wire have parted ways after weeks of tension with the outlet’s co-founder Ben Shapiro about the war between Israel and Hamas and its promotion of various conspiracy theories.

Part of the lead-up to their uncoupling included a very public feud between Owens and Rabbi Shmuley, who has accused the pundit of anti-Semitism dating back to her associations with and defense of Kanye West in 2022.

On Saturday, to mark the Jewish holiday of Purim, he posted several videos to

‘For Purim I dressed up as a Candace Owens Jew (or is it just fancy dress? Or are we Jews deep down always so… filth, money, drunk on Christian blood… and… double loyalty to Israel),” he wrote.

Author and radio host Rabbi Shmuley Boteach continued his feud with former Daily Wire commentator Candace Owens, posting a video of himself on Purim

Owens and The Daily Wire have parted ways after weeks of tension with the outlet’s co-founder Ben Shapiro over the war between Israel and Hamas and its promotion of various conspiracy theories.

The reference to Christian blood stems from a tweet Owens liked last week that accused Rabbi Shmuley of being “drunk on Christian blood.”

“I felt like since Candace got fired on Friday, I might as well try to give her some Purim cheer by validating all her views on Jews, at least for one day,” he added.

In the video he also holds a small child and writes: “This is not a Christian child, this is a Jewish child.”

Rabbi Shmuley then again referred to Candace’s previous preference for a message about Christian blood.

“But if that were the case, then I have my ‘Christian blood,'” he continued, pretending to take a sip of ‘Christian blood’ from a red drink can. ‘Mmm, spicy, delicious. I have my Jewish nose. I have ‘filth,’ he said, noting that the word was written on his forehead.

“Purim is a day when our enemies fall, my brothers and sisters,” he finished.

“If they want us to look like this, I’ll do it for one night. I’ll spoil them.’

Owens responded publicly to the video by quoting and tweeting a response to fellow right-wing commentator Alex Jones, who accused Rabbi Shmuley of “having a nervous breakdown.”

On Saturday, to mark the Jewish holiday of Purim, the rabbi posted several videos on

He also showed himself drinking from a cup that he said was filled with “Christian blood,” referencing a post Owens liked last week

“It does seem to be counterproductive, but we have to remember that we are dealing with an uncreative whole,” she said, referring to the response questioning the effectiveness of Rabbi Shmuley’s video.

‘Smearing people as racist, anti-Semitic and crazy usually works for them. They don’t know how to deal with the fact that the public isn’t biting this time.’

Patrick Bet-David, a popular content creator who is Jewish himself and had previously had Owens as a guest on his show, was also critical of the famous rabbi.

‘There’s nothing funny about this video. Regardless of the dispute, this is strange behavior from a grown man. There is nothing wrong with discussing differences, but this behavior reflects poorly on any community,” Bet-David wrote on X.

Owens has repeatedly accused Rabbi Shmuley and his daughter of labeling her as anti-Semite, anti-Christian and “Satanic,” which reached a boiling point when the two debated on Piers Morgan’s talk show earlier this month.

Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing confirmed that Owens had left the conservative outlet Friday morning.

“Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship,” Boreing wrote on X.

Owens, 34, responded to the news, saying, “The rumors are true: I’m finally free.”

She also shared her personal website for those who want to support her work and teased “many announcements in the coming weeks,” saying she will be bringing her show back to YouTube after a brief hiatus.

It comes after weeks of scandals surrounding the controversial conservative, who recently launched a campaign claiming that French first lady Brigitte Macron is transgender.

Owens has repeatedly accused Rabbi Shmuley and his daughter of labeling her as anti-Semite and anti-Christian, reaching a boiling point when the two debated on Piers Morgan’s talk show.

She has also been involved in fiery online debates with several members of the Jewish community who she believes are being targeted because of her Christianity.

Owens landed her show on the right-wing channel in 2021 after gaining national fame with her particular brand of conservatism, which her critics consider far-right nationalism.

A source close to the pundit told DailyMail.com on Friday: ‘Candace will be speaking soon… Anyone who knows Candace knows that Candace has a voice that cannot be silenced.’

Owens also responded Friday morning after the Anti-Defamation League issued a statement deeming her an anti-Semite.

She wrote on The world already knows my heart. Their attacks will have the opposite desired effect. Wake up the world.

‘Thanks, @adl’

She continued, “My crime is that I do not believe that American taxpayers should pay for Israel’s wars or the wars of any other country.

‘I won’t change my mind. So the question is: what are you going to do with me next? The world is watching.’

Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro parted ways with Owens on Friday

Boteach has repeatedly spoken out against Owens over her anti-Semitic claims that there are ‘rings’ of ‘sinister’ Jews controlling Hollywood and Washington DC

Owens’ comments came after the ADL posted about the white supremacist and Nick Fuentes praising some of the conservative commentator’s comments.

“When bigots come together to push an anti-Semitic agenda, the flames of hatred are fanned,” the ADL said.

Boteach has repeatedly spoken out against Owens over her anti-Semitic claims that there are “rings” of “sinister” Jews controlling Hollywood and Washington DC.

Owens has made the shockingly false claims that these groups could be behind Michael Jackson’s death. She also likes reports claiming that Jews ritually drink Christian blood.

TDW has previously resisted calls to fire Owens, claiming she was exercising free speech and had not violated the law or the terms of her contract.”

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