Quordle was one of the original Wordel alternatives and is still going strongly more than 1,000 games later. However, it offers a real challenge, so read more if you need some quordle -hints today – or scroll further down for the answers.
Enjoy playing word games? Today you can also view my NYT connections and today NYT -strands pages for hints and answers for those puzzles, while Marc’s Wordel Today column treats the original viral word game.
SPoiler Warning: Information about Quordle Today is below, so read no further if you don’t want to know the answers.
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – Hint #1 – Klinkers
How many different vowels are there today in Quordle?
• The number of different vowels in Quordle is today 4 *.
* Note that with Klinker we mean the five standard clinkers (A, E, I, O, U), not Y (which is sometimes counted as a vowel).
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – Hint #2 – repeated letters
Do one of the Quordle answers today contain repeated letters?
• The number of Quordle answers that contains a repeated letter today is 1 .
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – Hint #3 – Uncommon Letters
Do the letters Q, Z, X or J appear today in Quordle?
• No . None of Q, Z, X or J appears between the Quordle answers today.
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – Hint #4 – Start -Letters (1)
Does one of the Quordle puzzles of today start with the same letter?
• The number The Quordle answers of today start with the same letter 2 .
If you just want to know the answers at this stage, just scroll down. If you are not ready yet, then there is another idea to make things a lot easier:
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – Hint #5 – Start -Letters (2)
Which letters do today’s answers start today’s answers?
• C
• s
• A
• C
Exactly, the answers are below, so don’t scroll any further if you don’t want to see them.
Quordle Today (Game #1101) – The answers
(Image Credit: Merriam-Webster)
The answers to today’s Quordle, Game #1101, are …
There is often a single letter that all four words unlock in Quordle and today it was C. It took me a while to guess the scene, but once I did it, it paved the way for Crank and Crown.
That said, I still just made it, with Agile the only opportunity for my last go.
How did you do it today? Let me know in the comments below.
Daily series Today (Game #1101) – The answers
(Image Credit: Merriam-Webster)
The answers to today’s daily series, Game #1101, are …
Quordle answers: the last 20
Quordle #1100, Tuesday 28 January: Token, daisy, inane, plied
Quordle #1099, Monday 27 January: Angel, globe, mayor, brave
Quordle #1098, Sunday 26 January: Water, job, bride, touch
Quordle #1097, Saturday January 25: Giver, groom, gusto, maker
Quordle #1096, Friday, January 24: Grind, save, serve, touch
Quordle #1095, Thursday, January 23: Rugby, brutal, worries, banal
Quordle #1094, Wednesday January 22: STAND, trunk, woozy, eaten
Quordle #1093, Tuesday, January 21: Graph, power, printing, spawn
Quordle #1092, Monday, January 20: Sixty, String, Tatty, Robin
Quordle #1091, Sunday, January 19: Wrest, rinse, sanding, cany
Quordle #1090, Saturday January 18: Blare, itching, biceps, piper
Quordle #1089, Friday, January 17: Catch, tired, swim, lathe
Quordle #1088, Thursday January 16: Party bone tweed, plant
Quordle #1087, Wednesday January 15: Started, plate, rural, envoy
Quordle #1086, Tuesday January 14: Swarm, scrap onion, farmers
Quordle #1085, Monday, January 13: Eying, dizzy, cheap, petal
Quordle #1084, Sunday January 12: Short, petal, woman, criminal
Quordle #1083, Saturday 11 January: Ascot, fiber, villain, scent
Quordle #1082, Friday January 10: Bigot, inlet, leech, tunic
Quordle #1081, Thursday, January 9: Reset, humor, tenor, image