Quentin Tarantino reveals why Johnny Depp was on a leaked casting list for Pulp Fiction

Director Quentin Tarantino has been making the press rounds of late promoting his new book Cinema Speculation, and recently spoke about an infamous leaked cast list for his 1994 classic Pulp Fiction.

The 59-year-old filmmaker appeared in the 2 bears 1 cave podcast with Tom Segura, when asked about the cast list, which featured actor suggestions to play characters like Pumpkin (Tim Roth), Honey Bunny (Amanda Plummer), Vincent (John Travolta), Lance (Eric Stoltz) and Jody (Rosana Arquette).

When asked why he had made such a comprehensive list for the characters, Tarantino, who revealed earlier this month that his 10th film would be his last, said he wanted to get a bunch of names that were “pre-approved” by the producers, with Depp second on the list to play Pumpkin, behind Roth.

Casting: Director Quentin Tarantino has been making the press rounds of late promoting his new book Cinema Speculation, and recently spoke about an infamous leaked casting list for his 1994 classic Pulp Fiction.

Casting: Director Quentin Tarantino has been making the press rounds of late promoting his new book Cinema Speculation, and recently spoke about an infamous leaked casting list for his 1994 classic Pulp Fiction.

Pumpkin: The 59-year-old filmmaker appeared on the 2 Bears 1 Cave podcast with Tom Segura, when asked about the cast list, which featured actor suggestions to play characters like Pumpkin (Tim Roth), Honey Bunny (Amanda Plummer) , Vincent (John Travolta), Lance (Eric Stoltz) and Jody (Rosanna Arquette)

Pumpkin: The 59-year-old filmmaker appeared on the 2 Bears 1 Cave podcast with Tom Segura, when asked about the cast list, which featured actor suggestions to play characters like Pumpkin (Tim Roth), Honey Bunny (Amanda Plummer) , Vincent (John Travolta), Lance (Eric Stoltz) and Jody (Rosanna Arquette)

Johnny: When asked why he had made such a comprehensive list of characters, Tarantino, who revealed earlier this month that his 10th film would be his last, said he wanted to get a bunch of names that were

Johnny: When asked why he made such a comprehensive list of characters, Tarantino, who revealed earlier this month that his 10th film would be his last, said he wanted to get a bunch of names that were “pre-approved” by the cast. producers. with Depp second on the shortlist to play Pumpkin, behind Roth

“I didn’t know exactly who I wanted to play this part or the other, so I wrote a giant list with a bunch of names,” Tarantino explained.

“I wanted everyone to be pre-approved, and I didn’t know if it was going to work or if it would resonate with the person or even do a good job.” I just wanted them to be approved,” added the filmmaker.

He admitted that the list was “all over the place, but that was the idea.” She wanted to explore it.

He did not know:

I didn’t know: “I didn’t know exactly who I wanted to play this or that role, so I wrote a giant list with a bunch of names,” Tarantino explained.

The typed list revealed that Tarantino wrote the role of Pumpkin for Roth, although Depp was second on the list, ahead of Christian Slater, Gary Oldman, Nicolas Cage, Eric Stoltz and John Cusack.

The director revealed that TriStar Pictures boss Mike Medavoy took a look at the shortlist and wanted to offer the role of Pumpkin to Depp first, and if he turned it down, they would take it to Christian Slater, and if he turned it down, “I would find Someone other than Tim Roth to offer it to them, and if we can’t do that, then Tim Roth.”

Tarantino, who then only had the indie film Reservoir Dogs to his credit, asked Medavoy about this process, having always been curious about how these conversations were handled at the studio level.

List: The typed list revealed that Tarantino wrote the role of Pumpkin for Roth, although Depp was second on the list, ahead of Christian Slater, Gary Oldman, Nicolas Cage, Eric Stoltz and John Cusack.

List: The typed list revealed that Tarantino wrote the role of Pumpkin for Roth, although Depp was second on the list, ahead of Christian Slater, Gary Oldman, Nicolas Cage, Eric Stoltz and John Cusack.

Conversation: Tarantino, who then only had the indie film Reservoir Dogs to his credit, asked Medavoy about this process, having always been curious about how these conversations were handled at the studio level.

Conversation: Tarantino, who then only had the indie film Reservoir Dogs to his credit, asked Medavoy about this process, having always been curious about how these conversations were handled at the studio level.

“Do you think Johnny Depp playing the role of Pumpkin in this movie, which is the opening scene and the closing scene, that’s it, do you think that will add that much to the box office? Him playing that role?” Tarantino asked Medavoy.

He said Medavoy replied: ‘It won’t add a penny. Although it would make me feel better.

The cast list did not include Bruce Willis’s character Butch, although another handwritten version currently on display at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles featured Matt Dillon, Sean Penn, Nicolas Cage, Aidan Quinn, Dennis Quaid and Depp.

Pumpkin: 'Do you think Johnny Depp playing the role of Pumpkin in this movie, which is the opening scene and the ending scene, that's it, do you think that will add so much to the box office?  Him playing that part?  Tarantino asked Medavoy

Pumpkin: ‘Do you think Johnny Depp playing the role of Pumpkin in this movie, which is the opening scene and the ending scene, that’s it, do you think that will add so much to the box office? Him playing that part? Tarantino asked Medavoy

Tarantino revealed on the podcast that they weren’t even considering taking it to Willis, because he was one of the biggest stars in the world at the time.

“What happened was that I originally wrote the part for Matt Dillon, because Matt Dillon was a fan of my script for Reservoir Dogs,” Tarantino said, adding that TriStar had left and Miramax had come on board, and they wanted one or two. . name’ actors for cast.

“I thought it would be easy to get, but he read it and wasn’t so sure.” He liked him, but he wasn’t so sure. He was disturbed by the fact that he…wanted to see Butch boxing,” Tarantino explained, adding that he didn’t want to play Butch, he wanted to play Vincent, ultimately played by Travolta.

Considering: Tarantino revealed on the podcast that they weren't even considering taking him to Willis, because he was one of the biggest stars in the world at the time.

Considering: Tarantino revealed on the podcast that they weren’t even considering taking him to Willis, because he was one of the biggest stars in the world at the time.

The director revealed that Willis was cast after meeting him at a party at a Malibu house rented by Harvey Keitel, and learning that Willis was a huge fan of his first film, Reservoir Dogs.

“Little did I know, I had already read Pulp Fiction when I showed up at Harvey’s house that Sunday,” he added, “it blew my mind,” but Willis revealed on a walk home that he wanted to play Vincent.

Tarantino revealed that it wasn’t the right thing to do and ended up convincing Willis that the right role for him would be Butch, and the rest is history.

Convincing: Tarantino revealed that he wasn't just fine and ended up convincing Willis that the right role for him would be Butch, and the rest is history

Convincing: Tarantino revealed that he wasn’t just fine and ended up convincing Willis that the right role for him would be Butch, and the rest is history