Queer Games Bundle brings together over 450 games from queer devs

If you’re looking for great indie games to try out then look no further Itch.io’s Queer Games Bundle. This is the third year the company has bundled games in honor of the queer developer community to celebrate Pride Month. This collection of 466 games, table games, books, zines, albums, and art costs $60, which is also “the price of an AAA game,” the bundle page notes. (There is also an option to spend a sliding scale of $10 – 20 on the bundle.) Nearly 300 queer makers are featured.

“If we had the budget of an AAA game, we could give each solo developer in this bundle multiple living wages for a year and give each team a huge funding boost,” the bundle description reads. “Imagine what the developers and artists in this bundle could create in a year from now if they weren’t worried about hunger or how to pay their rent this month.”

The collection contains a wide variety of cool creative works, including a romantic visual novel Lookouts, developed during the Gay Western Jam (cool theme, if you ask me.) There is also Hoping this finds you well, a letter-writing game intended to “evoke the decidedly sweet homoeroticism of Victorian and Edwardian literature.” I’ve also been pampered Rodents With Guitarsa TTRPG where you play as rodents trying to win a battle of the bands.

This is one of many itch.io bundles that various communities have released for social causes in recent years, including bundles for Racial Justice and Equality, Abortion Funds, Ukraine and Trans Witches Are Witches (a bundle presented as an alternative to Hogwarts Legacy).