Queensland dog breed bans: pit bulls, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, jail for irresponsible owners

Irresponsible dog owners risk jail as part of drastic crackdown on dog attacks in an Aussie state – and list of breeds will be banned

  • Queensland under fire for dangerous dog control
  • Discussion document puts pressure on dog owners

Irresponsible owners could face jail time under a range of stricter measures proposed by the Queensland government to reduce dog attacks.

On Sunday, Agriculture Minister Mark Furner released a discussion paper urging Queensland residents to express their views on the proposed changes.

These include banning certain breeds, increasing sentences to prison terms for serious offenses and requiring all dogs to be “effectively controlled” in public.

“It is time for the people of Queensland to have their say on these proposed reforms, and I encourage everyone to provide feedback on the discussion paper,” said Furner.

Irresponsible owners could face jail time under a range of stricter measures proposed by the Queensland government to reduce dog attacks. One of the suggestions is a ban on pit bull terriers (pictured)

The Spanish mastiff Presa Canario is one of the dog breeds that would be banned under proposals in a new discussion paper released by Queensland Agriculture Minister Mark Furner.

Most dog owners in Queensland are taking their responsibility, but there are still glaring cases of serious dog attacks.

“We expect all pet owners to ensure that their pets do not pose a threat to the community.”

The Queensland government is under fire for taking too long to review dangerous dog laws.

Prime Minister Annastacia Palaszczuk will convene another task force after mayors across the state labeled current legislation as outdated.

Review of the laws was supposed to be finalized in the coming months, but the prime minister says harsher consequences for owners are needed to deter further attacks.

The discussion paper was produced following an increase in serious dog attacks in the state and stated that around 100,000 dog bites are reported in Australia each year.

About 80 percent of these occur at home, with children three times more likely than adults to end up in hospital.

Proposed changes include creating a new offense aimed at those who fail to control their dog, resulting in injury or death, with jail time for serious offenders.

Queensland is the only Australian state that currently has no prison sentence for dog attacks.

It is also proposed to ban and remove licensing options for breeds including Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese Tosa, Pit Bull Terrier and Presa Canario.

The discussion paper notes that this would be “grandfathered” to exempt existing dogs from the ban.

It is also proposed to require statewide effective control of dogs in a public place, with locally enforceable fines, and clarification of rules around destroying dangerous dogs.

Queensland is the only Australian state that currently has no prison sentence for dog attacks. One of the varieties that could be banned under new proposals is the Japanese Tosa (pictured)

It is also proposed to ban and remove permit options for a range of breeds, including the Fila Brasileiro (pictured)

Alison Smith, CEO of the Local Government Association of Queensland, said the changes will help reduce savage attacks in neighbourhoods.

For too long, irresponsible dog owners have been able to coerce the community and municipalities into ransom. That has to change,” she said.

“This is an opportunity for the community to say enough is enough – that Queensland needs to take tougher action against irresponsible dog owners, and that there should be swift trials after a ferocious dog attack.”

Queensland residents have until August 24 to submit feedback on the proposed changes.

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