Queensland childcare worker accused of being Australia’s worst ever paedophile allegedly raped one little girl 28 times

Queensland childcare worker, accused of being Australia’s worst pedophile ever, allegedly raped a little girl 28 times

The childcare worker accused of sexually assaulting 91 girls in daycares raped one young girl 28 times, court documents allege.

The 45-year-old caretaker, from the Gold Coast, is charged with 1,600 child sex offenses over 15 years in 10 Brisbane day care centres, one in New South Wales and one in Europe.

Court documents seen by the Courier mail claiming that the man – who cannot be named for legal reasons – raped one of his alleged victims 28 times and sexually assaulted another 54 times.

Childcare worker accused of sexually assaulting 91 girls in daycares raped a young girl 28 times, court documents allege (stock image)

Another young girl was reportedly raped 27 times and sexually assaulted 34 times, the court documents said, while a third girl was raped eight times and assaulted 24 times in three years.

The daycare worker is also accused of making child pornography on the same dates as the alleged abuse.

He is also charged with 27 counts of distributing child pornography from outside Australia when he lived in Europe.

The man’s charges relate to crimes committed over a 15-year period in childcare centers in Sydney, Brisbane and abroad between 2007 and 2022.

Among the allegations are 136 cases of rape and 110 cases of sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 10.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) said they have contacted the parents of all 87 Australian victims identified in the child abuse material.

The man has been in custody since his arrest last August and his case was last presented to Brisbane Magistrates Court last week.

His lawyer Madeline Wood did not reveal anything when she emerged from court after a successful bid to postpone her client’s case until November.

Attorney Madeline Wood (pictured) defends man charged with 136 counts of rape of pre-pubescent girls

The Queensland Public Prosecutor’s Office (DPP) prosecutor told the Brisbane Magistrates Court that he has had a ‘preliminary meeting’ with Ms Wood about the ‘massive’ number of charges against her client.

The prosecution said the investigation against the Gold Coast man was still seeking evidence from witnesses abroad.

The man’s name cannot be released due to laws in Queensland that prevent the identification of people accused of rape or serious sex crimes.

Police claim further self-produced child abuse material has been discovered on electronic devices the man had in his possession when he was arrested and charged last year.

The AFP launched Operation Tenterfield in response, identifying children in the alleged abuse material recorded at 11 Australian childcare centers and an early learning center attached to a school abroad.

It is alleged that the man recorded his offense on phones and cameras while working at 10 childcare centers in Brisbane between 2007 and 2013 and between 2018 and 2022, along with one center in Sydney between 2014 and 2017.

Other filmed crimes are said to have taken place at the overseas location in 2013 and 2014.

All of the children reportedly offended were pre-pubescent girls.

Last year, the AFP was able to trace objects identified in the background of some of the alleged images and videos posted on the dark web between 2013 and 2014.

It led police to a children’s center in Brisbane, while the man’s home was also raided.

Nearly 4,000 images and videos allegedly taken by the man were reviewed by officers from a joint task force of the AFP, Queensland Police and the Australian Center to Counter Child Exploitation.

The case will be heard in Brisbane Magistrates Court on November 6.

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