Q-Day mitigation has arrived – LastWall unveils quantum-resilient network infrastructure protection

LastWall has unveiled a quantum-safe Transport Layer Security terminator and load balancer, Quantum shieldwhich it claims offers protection against the inevitable threats of Q-Day.

The quantum-safe solution is designed to be crypto-agile and can be quickly and easily updated to meet the latest NIST security standards.

“Quantum cryptographic resilience is central to our product stack, with our identity platform built around this as a key defense principle,” said Karl Holmqvist, Founder and CEO of Lastwall. “Having successfully delivered transport layer resiliency to our internal and customer security operations, we now want to make it accessible to all organizations through our Quantum Shield offering.”

Protection against Q-Day

For the uninitiated, Q-Day is an unknown date in the future when quantum computing will be commercially available and could be used to easily crack current encryption methods.

Prior to this day, threat actors use a steal-now-decrypt-later methodology to steal encrypted files with the aim of decrypting them in the future using quantum computing. This means that almost all traditional encryption methods are vulnerable and valuable to attackers looking to steal sensitive data.

“The urgency to protect critical data increases as quantum computing capabilities accelerate. Having a quick, easy-to-implement solution that has been thoroughly vetted will be helpful to those who see the need to act now,” concludes Holqvist.

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