Psychotherapist Philippa Perry warns ADHD is becoming a ‘fashionable’ mental health ‘buzzword’ amid a rise in diagnoses – and says it’s driven by ‘social contagion’

Grayson Perry’s wife Philippa has warned that it is now ‘fashionable’ to have ADHD, adding that she is ‘worried’ by the increasing number of people being diagnosed with the condition.

The mother-of-one, 65, who lives in Islington, revealed her belief that some people pretend to have the condition if they forget or are worried, as a way of avoiding ‘self-responsibility’.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is recognized by the NHS as a condition that affects people’s behavior and can cause them to act on impulse. It can also be linked to sleep and anxiety disorders.

Clarifying her comments in a subsequent post on X (formerly known as Twitter), Philippa stressed that she is not denying the existence of ADHD, but believes it should not be ‘self-diagnosed’. She added: “We are more than our diagnoses.”

The psychotherapist, who has been married to artist Grayson Perry for more than 30 years, said recently there is a danger that ‘buzz words’ can become ‘part of one’s identity’.

Psychotherapist Philippa Perry, 65, has warned that there is a risk that ADHD is a “fashionable” term that people are using to avoid “self-responsibility”.

She argued that, where ADHD is currently the mental health term on everyone’s lips, it has taken over from bipolar disorder, which was once the ‘fashionable’ condition to have.

Philippa said: ‘It’s social climbing that drives this. You don’t know where your keys are. This does not mean you have ADHD. You can’t sit down yet. This doesn’t mean you have ADHD…

‘I worry a little. I’m not saying all labels are bad, I’m saying some labels give you an excuse not to take responsibility for yourself.’

After reading her comments, people with ADHD went to X to criticize the psychotherapist. One person, who claims to have both ADHD and autism, wrote: ‘We are a group of disabled people who have been let down over and over and we deserve better.’

Philippa quickly responded to clarify her comments about her mental health condition. She posted: ‘Oh dear. I pissed off a lot of people. I did not want. I’m not saying ADHD doesn’t exist, I’m saying it shouldn’t be an identity and shouldn’t be self-diagnosed.

“We are more than our diagnoses — that’s what I’m trying to say.”

Research conducted by University College London between 2000 and 2018 found that there has been a significant increase in the number of people diagnosed with ADHD.

Philippa, who has been married to artist husband Grayson for more than 30 years, said she doesn’t think all labels are bad.

Around 20 times more people were diagnosed with the condition in 2018 than in 2000, with diagnoses around twice as high in the most deprived areas.

Dr Doug McKechnie, UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare, who authored the report, said: ‘Diagnoses of ADHD and prescriptions for ADHD medication by a GP have become more common over time.

What is ADHD?

According to the NHS, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that affects the way people behave.

It is often characterized by restlessness, difficulty concentrating and impulsive acts.

The cause of the condition is unknown, but some studies suggest it may run in families.

ADHD is usually diagnosed in children under the age of 12, although in some cases, it is not diagnosed until adulthood.

Treatment for the condition includes medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Source: NHS

“While ADHD is more likely to be diagnosed in childhood, an increasing number of people are being diagnosed for the first time in adulthood. We don’t know exactly why this is happening, but it could be that ADHD has become more recognized and diagnosed.’

Philippa, who herself suffers from dyslexia, argued that she might prefer to refer to herself as someone who doesn’t understand words very well, rather than giving her condition a label.

Elsewhere in the interview, Philippa recalled how she was labeled ‘fat’ as a child because she struggled with reading.

After growing up in Cheshire and attending boarding school from the ages of 10-15, Philippa’s parents sent her to finish school in Switzerland – the same institution Princess Diana attended.

She joked that her parents wanted her to meet a rich young man and marry well, thinking it would be her best chance to succeed in life.

Although she noted her skepticism at the term ‘fashionable’ within the mental health lexicon, Philippa made a strong case for pursuing therapy, which she believes is beneficial for many people – and highlighted her hope that politicians one day they will be open to asking for it. .

She revealed that she first sought therapy in her early 30s, not long after she first met husband Grayson.

As for her marriage to the artist, who is known for cross-dressing as her alter ego Claire, Philippa has previously revealed that she and her husband hardly ever argue.

We have our differences!’ said Philippa, speaking to The Times. ‘Pretty much. But then we determine how long I can stand, how long he can stand, who can stand more, who can stand less.

And from that, if we’re both right, we can find a compromise.’

The author, whose husband often appears in public as well as in his artwork as his alter ego, explained that most people experience relationship problems because they dwell on small facts when they should just be honest and express how they feel.

“It’s such a waste of love when people don’t know how to argue properly,” she said. ‘Don’t talk about facts, talk about feelings.’

Philippa went on to share how the first month of the initial lockdown came as a relief for her as she was able to clear her diary which had ‘got a bit out of hand’ and was causing her to be ‘quite stressed’.

However, as time progressed and the novelty wore off, she admitted that she ‘didn’t do well in isolation at all’.

But for Philippa, the problem stemmed from a physical crisis rather than psychological factors – adding that she and Grayson reacted to news of the government’s guidance very differently.

I went, “Phew!” And Grayson went, “Well, I live in the future. My plans are what get me out of bed in the morning. Now I have nothing.”

And then he really learned all these things about appreciating the everyday, living in the moment, all of that.

But I – Mrs. Therapist-Pants – went the other way. Because my body needs to be around other bodies. The rule I find most difficult is the two-meter rule.’

Philippa also recalled breaking down in tears when her daughter Flo, 28, dropped a shopping bag on her doorstep.

She went on to explain that while she knew the important reason why Flo didn’t hug her, her body created its own reason and interpreted it as a form of rejection.

Philippa and Grayson married in 1992 and have a daughter together, Florence.

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