Psychotherapist reveals why everyone should be prioritizing ORGASMS if they want to ‘change their life’ for the better and boost their mental health

A psychotherapist has revealed this why you should prioritize orgasms in 2024.

Lakiah Edwin-Bankston, 33, from West Virginia, has nearly 20,000 followers on TikTok, where she shares her tips for reducing stress and setting boundaries to improve mental health.

The self-care coach, who uses the handle @selfcareblogicrecently detailed the surprising ways sexual pleasure can make you happier in the new year.

‘More people really need to know this, so I’ll get straight to the point. Having orgasms improves your mental health. Point blank. Period,” she began her video.

“I’ve studied human sexuality for years, and all I know is that when you prioritize your own pleasure and have the right boundaries around it, it completely changes your life – in a good way.”

Lakiah Edwin-Bankston, a psychotherapist and self-care coach, explained how orgasms can improve your mental health in a recent TikTok video

The 33-year-old explained that masturbation can help you sleep better and develop a healthier body image

Lakiah explained that masturbation has numerous benefits beyond the resulting orgasm.

‘It increases your body confidence and helps you develop a healthier body image. It improves your sleep by releasing a whole bunch of endorphins,” she said.

In a recent article about the benefits of masturbation: Planned Parenthood described it as ‘like a sleeping pill with no side effects’.

“If you’ve been trying to figure out how to increase your happiness, so does orgasms,” she continued.

“It reduces all those anxiety symptoms you have. Because your brain is once again releasing oxytocin (and) dopamine.”

Lakiah added that it can also improve your self-esteem, your sense of self and your focus.

The self-care coach said viewers should take her video as a sign to develop healthy boundaries around their sexual well-being and start focusing on their self-pleasure.

Lakiah added that it can also improve your self-esteem, your sense of self and your focus. “Having healthy sexual well-being is part of living a healthier, happier life,” she said

In another recent video, Lakiah shared the importance of focusing on holistic self-care, saying that a bubble bath or day at the spa won’t help your daily internal conflicts.

“As a mature adult, having healthy sexual well-being is part of living a healthier, happier life,” she concluded.

“Stop trying to ignore that.”

Lakiah described the true meaning of self-care in another recent video about improving mental health.

“This is your daily reminder that your mental health is bad because you think self-care is something you do just to take care of your physical appearance,” she said.

“Consumerism happens to all of us, so don’t feel bad. But if you ever want to get to a place where you don’t let outside people, outside circumstances, stress, anxiety (and) depression overwhelm you and control your life, you need to start practicing holistic self-care.”

Lakiah explained that this means focusing on your physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and financial well-being.

“That doesn’t mean you have to do it all at once,” she noted. “You have to know what to do in each of those areas and know how to prioritize.”

“For your own good, please stop with the shallow, fluffy bulls**t they call self-care because a bubble bath and going to the spa won’t save you from the internal conflict you deal with every day,” she added to it.

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