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Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Problems in important relationships become even more important to you. You may find yourself swinging between opposing needs – absolute independence versus compromise in committed relationships.

Be brave, you can find the gold in both contradictions. It looks like your ruler Mars is retrograde from July 25 to September 13, so watch out for delays and frustrations.

It is a good time to develop inner reflection. Mars starts the year where you achieve real victories in your career! 2024 brings a huge transformation around your hopes and dreams, friends and groups.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Venus, your ruler, is full steam ahead this year, so relationships can achieve good results and move forward!

Of course, you have to be careful not to put important partners (business and private) on a pedestal; your own needs are important too.

Normally, though, you're pretty sensible and you'll figure this out. There are major changes in your career or with a parent or authority figure.

Good news on the money front, as your finances improve mid-year as opportunities present themselves.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Your ruler Mercury does its retrograde thing again from mid-February to mid-March, mid-June to mid-July, and October 30 to November 20.

It's not the best time for clear communication, so double-check everything important. A kind of metamorphosis takes place around travel, spirituality or education.

Spread your message to the world so you can find your rightful place. Your appearance, personality or identity is going to be much bigger, so be careful not to gain weight if you don't have to.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

The moon draws your attention to relationships in an important way, even if it is emotional, you realize that you are not obligated to anyone else.

You have to find your own way and maintain a certain personal autonomy. Your career zone is calling you and this must be balanced with family and family considerations.

Intimacy and shared resources with another undergo a great transformation, along with your spiritual life as it travels from strength to strength.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

The lunar eclipses bring some challenges in March and September… be careful with your communication, intimacy and shared possessions, but you can work it out!

On the plus side, you probably have international travel, spirituality or education in your destination this year.

A “revolution” takes place around important relationships when you come to some insightful revelations.

Your friends, groups, hopes and dreams expand dramatically; finally… it's quite an exciting year for you!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

The old ways around your finances don't seem to be working so well, so you'll probably end up doing something around shared resources as this is the way of the future for you.

There is a major transformation taking place around your daily work or perhaps your health.

Your career zone expands mid-year, or perhaps there is an improvement with an authority figure such as a parent.

Your ruler Mercury goes retrograde three times, so be extra careful with communication and travel from mid-February to mid-March, mid-June to mid-July, and from October 30 to November 20.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Relationships are very important this year and it is a major focus for you, especially as your ruler Venus charges ahead.

Find the balance between compromise and the desires of your own heart. Beauty, tranquility and creativity receive a good dose of energy through a major transformation.

Romance looks good too! Maybe you have more to do with children or free time and fun are on the agenda.

Your horizons expand and your space in the world grows through travel, spirituality, education or foreign affairs.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Your ruler Pluto shakes up your home and family zone and brings about a major transformation.

You may be moving or something big is happening in your home that may involve technology.

Your fate depends on your work or your regular routine… for many, working from home could become more important.

Much happiness comes in your intimate life or perhaps has to do with the common assets you share with someone else. Shared investments and assets are likely to increase as you get closer to someone special.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Jupiter, your ruler, blesses your important relationships, and you can also have good luck with any legalities. If you have frenemies or outright enemies, these connections can also improve mid-year.

There is a major change in your communication or changes in your environment. The universe also asks you to have more fun living closer to the child's world.

Get out and socialize! Increasing romance and creativity in your life is also a good way to do this.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

It seems that your destiny asks you to find a better balance between home and family and your career.

Normally you are a hard worker and take your responsibilities seriously, but this year this is probably also possible. There is a major change happening around your finances, possessions and the things you value, it is almost a 'revolution'.

You can change your mind about these things. Your normal routine, health or work gets a big happiness boost halfway through the year.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

You might think about retraining or furthering your education this year, but at the very least you'll have to step up your communication.

Promotion and marketing are also going well! There is a major renewal of your identity and appearance when you present yourself to the world and get your message out in a new way.

People are noticing your 'new and improved' personality! Socializing, creativity and fun are also on your agenda and you'll have good luck in the romance department as well.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You pay more attention to your finances and it is your destiny to become more independent.

There are abundant blessings around your home and family that can increase.

Maybe new friends become like family, or your family grows in some way. Your spiritual life is transformed when you are spiritually reborn.

Look to your dreams and the little flashes in your mind throughout the day for hints and clues on how to create a small revolution in your life.

Your intuition or psychic gifts may grow dramatically this year.

Source: Rose Smith

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