Is wearing black preventing you from finding love? Star of TLC’s ‘The Psychic Matchmaker’ reveals mystical secrets and practical methods for attracting a soulmate

Do you find it difficult to attract love? Third generation psychic Deborah Graham can help.

The star of SiriusXM’s ‘Psychic Connection with Deborah Graham’ and TLC’s ‘The Psychic Matchmaker’ shares her mystical secrets and practical methods to help thousands of individuals find their soulmate.

From using your third eye to wearing the right color, Deborah reveals to Daily Mail what it takes to create a real and lasting connection.

Do you find it difficult to attract love? Third-generation psychic Deborah Graham can help

It’s what’s on the inside that really matters

“When I make a match, I do it from within,” says the gifted clairvoyant, energy healer and matchmaker who has been practicing for more than 30 years.

‘I see beautiful love from within people – love and strength and the essence of who they are – and I connect with that and feel their lives.

‘By tapping into the solar plexus chakra (where the essence of an individual resides), I can connect a person to a match that will last a lifetime.’

Deborah has an advantage over a traditional matchmaker because she can see your future.

“I know if this will be a real connection or if this will be a “Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma’ am!”

How do you recognize the signs of a perfect match?

When connecting with someone on a spiritual level, Deborah says to focus on the eyes because they are the window to the soul.

“That will show you if that person is the right connection, if that person is a person for now or forever,” she explains.

‘If you cannot see yourself in someone’s soul and energy, then that is certainly not an energy match.

“If that person is looking to the left or right and avoiding eye contact with you, chances are they are energetically avoiding something.

“That means they’re not open, they’re not ready, or they have someone else and they’re just looking for a place for now.”

Star of SiriusXM’s ‘Psychic Connection with Deborah Graham’ and TLC’s ‘The Psychic Matchmaker’, Deborah Graham, shares her knowledge on her podcast and in her two books

Get out there and meet people IRL

“I always say you should go out as much as possible,” says the author of “Get You Head Out of Your App: A Psychic’s Guide to Attracting and Keeping True Love.”

“Just show up. Dress up and show up, even if you don’t have a date, get out and go.”

To increase your chances of meeting someone, Deborah believes you should get out of your comfort zone, venture out alone and be open to talking to others.

“It takes guts, but you don’t need a wingman, you just need to connect with yourself.”

The more you show up, the more the universe will reward you.

Wear bright, uplifting colors

Dark colors are often associated with sadness and negativity.

Barbara believes that by wearing dark shades you are actually blocking yourself from meeting someone recommends incorporating vibrant shades or pops of color into your look.

“Red is a rooting and grounding color, so when you feel like you’re all over the place and your energy is out of alignment, I always tell people to wear the color red.”

‘The heart chakra is the 4th chakra and that is the color green. Green is a direct connection to God and your soul energy.

“So there’s green and pink in the 4th chakra and that will help both activate and accelerate you to get to where you want to be rather than where you are now.”

Stand tall, never slouch

‘Keep your shoulders back and your head up. Never faint, that reflects a lower vibration,” Deborah explains.

“If you walk into something, walk in as if it were yours. You own your energy. Your aura will glow with color and people will be attracted to you.

‘It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, it’s what you are like on the inside and that’s what people are drawn to when they find their perfect match.’

To let your energy shine, you have to be yourself.

“Don’t change for anyone,” says Barbara.

‘It’s like buying shoes. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t buy it. And never settle for second best. Always get what you want and never try to change your appearance.’

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The biggest saboteur on the first date

Resist information overload.

“You never want to talk too much about what your needs and wants are in a relationship because that person is going to be exactly that, even though they may not be any of those things.”

The expert suggests saying, “I am open and ready. I am here and present and I am looking for someone who is open and ready to connect.’

She believes that when someone is truly connected to you, you will know it.

Deborah recommends always asking them more questions.

‘Never talk about your ex-partner or tell him how bad he or she is. If you have anger in you, you are not ready for a relationship.”

The rule of three

“Always go on at least three dates with the same person within three weeks, and always wait three months before consummating the relationship,” says Deborah.

According to the psychic matchmaker, dates don’t even have to be in person, they can take place over Zoom or Face Time, as long as there is direct eye contact.

‘On the third date you will know whether it concerns an energy connection.

‘If you’re feeling energetically depleted, I say run! That’s an energy vampire.’

In this day and age it can be difficult to be monogamous and not have sexual contact for three months, but Deborah believes it is important for finding a soul connection.

‘It’s about going out and connecting on a soul level versus a physical level. If they don’t want to wait, they’re not very good for you.’

“Trust your third chakra, which is your intuition, I call it your psychic portal,” says Deborah

Look at your chakras

There are seven main chakras in the body, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

The third eye can help you make decisions based on your emotional and gut feelings. By aligning yourself with your third eye, you can see the invisible.

“Trust your third chakra, which is your intuition, I call it your psychic portal,” says Deborah.

‘It is the window to your subconscious soul. By going to the window of your soul you can access your vibration and energy at a higher frequency.

‘The third eye is the energy that connects you to God and spirit, it is like the ambilocal cord that brought us all to this earth – that is your true purpose.’

Keep the flow of positive energy moving

Finding true and everlasting love begins with a commitment to inner energy work – clearing self-doubts and fears.

Deborah recommends a daily meditation of 5-10 minutes to connect.

“You have to pull the weeds out of your heart and soul and keep pulling them,” she says.

‘If you can create positive, vibrant energy within yourself, you will radiate positive vibrations.

‘But if you believe life is worthless, then it is shall It’s garbage, and you’ll never find what you’re looking for.’

Blockages or imbalances can lead to health problems and emotional disorders.

According to Deborah, it is important to clear away the old, both mentally and physically.

‘If your partner cheated on you and you are having a hard time meeting someone else, throw away that mattress, you are still attracting old energy.

Learn your lessons

Deborah believes that 99% of people don’t attract what they want because they don’t learn their lesson or let go of past traumas, and they bring negativity into their present.

If you don’t learn a lesson, it will continue to repeat itself until you do.

‘Life is a filter system, you have to let go and allow your mind to finally become aware and awaken. But above all, you must stop transmitting negative energy, which is what we call a soul trap.

‘A soul trap is when we do not let go of our thoughts, our soul, our spirit and our energy from the old, because we are holding on to all the pain from the past.

To grow from a situation, Graham suggests looking at five things you learned from an unhealthy relationship, the good and the bad.

“I like to call myself the 30 Second Scan. All I need is 30 seconds to read your energy and I can figure out where your energy should be and where it is.”

For a live reading on her podcast, visit

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