Protein shakes could eliminate the muscle-wasting side effects of new weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy

A protein shake has been developed to combat the severe muscle loss associated with the hugely popular weight-loss drugs.

Ozempic and Wegovy – the brand names for semaglutide – were initially developed to treat diabetes, but have proven highly effective in the fight against obesity, with patients given the highest doses of the weekly injections losing up to a fifth of their body weight.

But research shows that roughly a quarter of weight loss is actually caused by muscle. Experts warn that this can be dangerous, especially for older people, as it can increase the risk of falls.

Now medical company Abbott has launched a line of high-protein, low-fat milkshakes in the US designed to preserve muscle mass in people taking weight-loss drugs, which experts hope will soon be available in Britain.

According to Abbott, the Protality drinks, which cost around £3 each, will be crucial for semaglutide patients, while other companies have also launched other products to combat muscle loss.

Weight loss medications, including Ozempic, while effective in combating obesity, also have muscle wasting side effects

Last year, Weight Watchers launched an app that provides nutritional tips to people taking semaglutide. The company now also arranges access to private doctors who can prescribe it. Some companies are even developing medications that can be taken in addition to the injections and that can prevent muscle loss.

Professor Alex Miras, consultant endocrinologist and lecturer at Imperial College London, said: ‘Any weight-loss technique leads to some muscle reduction, but so far we have not had treatments anywhere near as powerful as semaglutide.

‘We need to find ways to prevent people from losing muscle mass, which can have dangerous consequences.’

Semaglutide is part of a class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, the first of which were developed nearly two decades ago to treat type 2 diabetes.

These medications mimic the GLP-1 hormone in the intestines that helps release insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. But scientists also found that they suppressed appetite, leading to weight loss.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak praised the drug last year and announced a pilot project in England to allow GPs to offer the weekly shot to obese patients.

However, experts are concerned about the amount of muscle mass patients appear to lose.

In a recent American study, participants lost an average of 7 kg of muscle mass and 10 kg of fat during a 68-week trial period. Trials of another GLP-1 drug, tirzepatide, found patients lost about a tenth of their muscle mass.

‘Weight loss occurs when the body breaks down fat to produce energy,’ says Prof. Miras. “During the process, the body will break down some muscle and even bone as it appears to be creating energy.”

Prof Miras adds that too much muscle loss can have negative health consequences, especially for older people. “Losing a lot of muscle can be bad for your cardiovascular health because it makes exercise more difficult,” he says. ‘But if you have less muscle as you get older, you are more vulnerable to falls. This can lead to serious bone fractures.’

In December, reality TV star Sharon Osbourne described semaglutide as ‘very dangerous’ after losing 19kg in less than a year. The 71-year-old, who weighed 64kg when she started treatment, said she had to ‘gain the weight back’.

The American company Abbott believes that increasing patients’ protein intake can help combat the worrying muscle loss.

Studies show that a high-protein diet can help increase muscle mass, and according to Abbott, patients should consume 50 percent more during a weight-loss regimen to maintain a healthy body.

Weight loss drug Wegovy.  High-protein and low-fat milkshakes are designed to compensate for muscle loss

Weight loss drug Wegovy. High-protein and low-fat milkshakes are designed to compensate for muscle loss

Last month the company released its protein shake in the US, which contains 30 grams of protein – around half the daily amount recommended by the NHS.

But experts say the shake’s effectiveness will depend on the patient’s overall diet.

“People taking these drugs eat so little that it is very difficult to give them the recommended amount of protein,” says Prof. Miras. “If you’re barely eating, even drinking three protein shakes in a day won’t replenish all the other nutrients you need, like carbohydrates.”

There are other options available for patients who are concerned about losing muscle mass while taking a GLP-1 drug. The Weight Watchers app advises people on its plans to ensure they maintain muscle while losing weight. It also encourages users to exercise, which studies show is another important factor in preventing muscle loss.

Later this year, US company Regeneron will begin a clinical trial combining semaglutide with an antibody drug that blocks receptors that regulate muscle growth, theoretically stopping the body from breaking down muscle during weight loss.

Another US company, Biohaven, wants to use a drug designed to treat spinal muscular atrophy – a muscle-wasting disease that affects children – to counter muscle shrinkage in GLP-1 patients.

“This will be an important field in medicine in the coming years,” says Prof. Miras. “More and more patients will receive GLP-1 drugs, so we need solutions to the side effects, whether those are nutritional supplements or new drugs.”