Professional dating coach shares list of red flags – including your beau liking other women’s photos


The NINE relationship red flags every woman needs to know: Expert reveals warning signs of controlling behaviour – from choosing what you wear to deciding who you should be friends with

  • Jacob Lucas, 30, from Wiltshire, has shared his list of red flags in relationships
  • The professional dating coach knows all there is to know in the field of dating
  • He shared his list of things a woman should never let their boyfriend do in a video
  • Including liking other women’s sexy pictures on social media, saying it’s red flag
  • The clips amassed a combined 6.5 MILLION views for his candid warnings







A professional dating coach has shared his list of red flags women need to watch out for in a relationship in a series of viral TikTok videos.

Jacob Lucas, 30, from Westbury, Wiltshire, explained seemingly innocuous behaviours can actually be major warning signs.

In a series of three videos, which have amassed more then 6million views, Jacob shared the nine red flags women need to recognise, from a boyfriend who tries to choose what a woman wears to having opinions on her friendship group.

The dating coach makes a living out of helping people in their relationships and he knows all there is to know in the field of dating

Identifying the three biggest red flags, he said the first centres around clothes: ‘Men do this because of insecurities and controlling behaviours. They try to project their own emotions onto the relationship which impacts the women.

The NINE red flags every woman needs to know

1. He tells you what you can or cannot wear

2. He tells you who you can or cannot have as friends

3. He should never tells you that he finds another woman more attractive than you

4. He tells you what you spend your money on 

5. He tries to control your eating habits and has opinions on your weight

6. He tries to tell you when you can or cannot go out

7. He likes other women’s thirst traps on social media 

8. He still speaks to his ex-girlfriend

9. He says ‘you’re lucky I’m even with you, I could be with any woman I wanted’.= 

‘Some men try to control what women wear because they get insecure that other men will look at their partner.

‘This then starts controlling behaviours in the relationship that can quickly snowball and leak into other areas of the relationship.

‘These men need to work on their own self confidence and allow the woman to wear whatever makes her happy. What a woman wears can make her feel more confident and happy about herself and her partner should support this.’

The second involves exerting control over her eating habits: ‘This controlling behaviour can be very dangerous.

‘It can make the woman feel very self conscious and this can lead to eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

‘Unfortunately there are many men out there who do this and any woman who finds herself with this type of partner needs to leave them before it becomes even more abusive.’

His third and final major red flag was controlling who a girlfriend should and shouldn’t have as friends.

He said: ‘Abusive partners will do this because they want to isolate their partners so they don’t have a support network.

‘This is very common amongst abusive partners. It starts off by them planting doubts about certain friends.

‘Then before it is too late they have isolated them from all their friends making the victim co-dependent upon the abuser.

‘It’s a very sad and hard position for anyone to be in and if anyone sees this behaviour exhibited towards them they need to remove themselves from that relationship.’

His list, comprising of three parts, went viral on TikTok after countless users agreed with him and the clips amassed a combined 6.5 MILLION views for his candid warnings to women

In another video he lists three things ‘you should never let your boyfriend say to you’, he said he wanted to raise awareness so women know to identify these negative behaviours from men

Many rushed to comment in agreement – who had unfortunately been victims of the behaviours Jacob listed.

One TikTok user commented: ‘When your ex did all three.’

Another said: ‘Wish I had known this at 16. So true.’

A third added: ‘The amount of red flags I missed with my now ex! everyone you said he did.’

Jacob added: ‘The videos went viral and got an overwhelming response with many women identifying with these behaviours in present and former relationships and relating to how hard these situations are and have been.

‘Also those who have removed themselves from the situations have said how much relief they felt once they have left those abusive relationships.’

Many rushed to comment in agreement – who had unfortunately been victims of the behaviours Jacob listed

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