Prince Harry talks more about Prince William fight


‘Human hand grenade’ Prince Harry was accused today of trying to blow up his father’s reign with his book while intensifying his verbal attacks on his brother.

The Duke of Sussex described William’s ‘red fog’ in a fight over Meghan Markle before admitting to taking cannabis, magic mushrooms and cocaine in another clip from his ITV interview, which aired on Sunday.

Harry also insisted to presenter Tom Bradby that he wants reconciliation with his family, even though his memories hurt the King and plunged the royal family into its worst crisis since his mother’s death in 1997.

And in a separate sneak peek posted by Good Morning America last night, she admitted that breaking up with William would make her late mother “sad.”

Former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown, Princess Diana’s biographer, said today: “Harry has been turned into a human hand grenade. It’s raining on the House of Windsor just at the beginning of his father’s reign.”

The Duke of Sussex has spoken out again about the alleged clash between him and his brother, the Prince of Wales, in an interview with ITV’s Tom Brady.

Harry claims William said Meghan was rude in a shouting match (Pictured: Harry and William arrive to hold a vigil for the Queen last year)

Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have refused to comment on anything Harry has said on television or in his book. But a source told The Times: It’s exhausting, it’s infuriating, but it’s not distracting. It will burn itself.

The latest clip came after Harry’s book launch failed in Spain and was published five days early.


Harry has alleged that there was a falling out between him and the Prince of Wales after he called Meghan Markle ‘difficult’, ‘rude’ and ‘abrasive’. Harry’s book also reveals that William warned him not to propose to her.

Royal expert Jack Royston said: “William will be furious and I can’t imagine William wanting Harry at the coronation after all that has been said.”

‘I think it is a decision that will be taken together after the discussion. Charles is obviously the King and the Prince of Wales does not trump the King.

“But William is Charles’s son, Charles and Camilla are also mentioned, I think this will be discussed by the three of them together and probably Kate as well.”

“William’s voice counts within that conversation, he doesn’t surpass the King, but his voice counts.

“It would have to be a long way because public opinion swings very slowly and one thing we’ve seen is that every time they attack royals, every time they get hit, they damage their reputation in Britain.”

The Nottingham Cottage kitchen, where Harry claims his brother grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the floor, breaking a dog bowl.

Harry claimed that the standing line at Nottingham Cottage, his Kensington Palace apartment, ended with William grabbing him by the neck and throwing him to the ground, smashing a dog bowl. His back was scraped and bruised, he said.

In a recently released clip from the upcoming ITV interview with Harry, the duke said his brother was so frustrated during the incident, which reportedly took place in 2019, that he saw “red mist in it”.

“He wanted me to hit him back, but I decided against it,” he said of his brother. In the clip posted earlier today, Harry told his friend Mr Bradby: “What was different here was the level of frustration, and I’m talking about the red mist I had for so many years, and I saw this red mist in him.” . ‘

The short clip from the ITV interview, which will air on Sunday, also had Harry address Spare’s detailed drug use.

Bradby told the Duke: “There is a fair amount of drugs [in the book]. Marijuana, magic mushrooms, cocaine. I mean, that’s going to surprise people.

The duke seemed to agree, saying it was “important to acknowledge it.”

The royal also stated that she wants to reconcile with her family, something she says can’t happen without “some responsibility.”

‘I want reconciliation,’ he says, ‘but first there has to be some accountability.’ The duke also said: ‘The truth, supposedly, at this time, has only been one side of the story, right? But, there are two sides to every story.

Other rows have also cropped up in Harry’s book. William is said to have lashed out at Meghan after he insulted his wife during a meeting that was meant to “cool things off” between the couples.

The Prince and Princess of Wales invited Harry and Meghan to their apartment at Kensington Palace after a series of fights, including one in which Kate reportedly broke down in tears during a bridesmaid dress fitting. honor for charlotte

But the tea and biscuit conversation in June 2018, weeks after the Sussexes’ wedding in Windsor, escalated into another conflict because the Duchess of Sussex told Kate she must have a “baby brain because of her hormones,” according to Harry’s new memoir.

William then called Meghan “rude” to her face and “pointed a finger at her” and explained: “These things are not done here.” In an excerpt, laying bare the divide between the Sussexes and the Wales, Meghan told William: “If you don’t mind, keep your finger out of my face.”

Defending his wife, Harry writes in his new book: “Meg said she had never intentionally done anything to offend Kate and that if she had, she begged her to let her know so it wouldn’t happen again.”

Harry writes that Meghan made the comment during the run-up to the Sussexes’ wedding in May 2018. Meghan appears with Kate here in 2018 at an event in London.

During the run-up to Harry and Meghan’s wedding in May 2018, Harry writes that Meghan told Kate that she must have “baby brains because of her hormones.”

Meghan, Harry, William and Kate watch a flight to mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force in 2018

Details of the alleged dispute appeared in Harry’s memoir, Spare, which was published in Spain.

Harry laid out in extraordinary detail the meeting with William and Kate in June 2018, which was an attempt to mend the growing rift between the Sussexes and the Wales.

But both couples would end up sharing more grievances instead of making things right.

She describes arriving at her Kensington Palace apartment and saying Meghan’s jaw dropped at the decor, the priceless art on the walls, the books and the furniture, saying “wow” repeatedly.

Harry said they had been thinking that their flat next door had Ikea lamps and furniture “which we had recently bought on sale with Meg’s credit card on”

Then they sat down to have a cup of tea and some biscuits where they asked about the children of the Wales, and they in turn had been asked about their honeymoon.

But after that, Meghan decided to bring up the issue of their relationship and the tensions dating back to when she started dating Harry, suggesting there was a wire crossing when Kate thought Meghan wanted to use her connections in the fashion industry, when in fact I already had it. own.

Meghan suggested these issues had been magnified by the wedding preparations and discussions over bridesmaids’ dresses.

Harry then claims that Kate became upset and demanded an apology from Meghan for offending her when she mentioned her hormones after giving birth and suggested that it had affected her memory. Meghan initially said she couldn’t remember, but later added: “I remember: you had forgotten something and I said it didn’t matter, it was because of the pregnancy.” Because you just had a child. Because of the hormones.

Harry said Kate then replied: “We’re not close enough for you to talk about my hormones.”

Meghan then said that she spoke to all of her friends that way and then William stepped in, pointed at the Duchess and said that was rude and that she was wrong to say it. Meghan then told her to stop pointing at her face.

Then the Duchess of Sussex is said to have stated that she did not want to offend Kate. They all hugged each other and left, Harry said, because they thought it better to go home rather than keep rowing.

The Guardian, who first reported the disputeHe said he was able to obtain a copy of the book, due to be published on January 10, despite the tight security around its publication.

In a previously released sneak peek of the ITV interview, Harry says he’s releasing his memoirs because he doesn’t know “how staying silent will make things better.”

The full ITV interview will air two days before publication and, in a trailer, Bradby asks: “Wouldn’t your brother say to you, ‘Harry, how could you do this to me after all? After everything we’ve been through. through? Wouldn’t that be what he would say?

Harry replied, “I’d probably say all sorts of different things.”

Mr Bradby, a former royal correspondent and current presenter of ITV News at Ten, is a friend of the Sussexes and previously interviewed them for a documentary about their 2019 tour of Africa.

He told Harry: “Some people will say you’ve been critical of invasions of your privacy your whole life, but the prosecution will be here if you’re invading the privacy of your nearest and dearest without permission, that will be the prosecution.”

Harry replied: ‘That will be the accusation of people who don’t understand or don’t want to believe that my family has been informing the press.’

Asked if he would attend his father’s coronation later this year, he said: “A lot can happen between now and then, but the door is always open, the ball is in their court.”

“There’s a lot to discuss and I really hope they’re willing to sit down and talk about it.”

Harry said he still believes in the monarchy, but when asked if he thinks it will play a role in his future, he said: “I don’t know.”

The show, called Harry: The Interview, will air on ITV1 and ITX at 9pm on Sunday.

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