Prime Video Movie of the Day: Saltburn Continues to Delight and Divide in Equal Measure

In salt fire, Barry Keoghan stars as Oliver Quick, a student trying to find his feet at Oxford University. When he finds himself in the world of charming aristocrat Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi), he’s invited to the sprawling estate that gives the film its title, and things – and baths – will never be the same again.

The film’s 71% Rotten Tomatoes rating is a measure of how divisive the film was when it released last year: people either loved it or really hated it, with little to no room in between. But if you’re in the mood for something a little different, equally daring and entertaining, this is the best Prime Video movie to watch.

Saltburn | Official Trailer – YouTube

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What did the critics say about Saltburn?

“This Brideshead soup needs more spices,” The guard said: “the script could have spent another night in the library.” The film is very fun to watch, but “sometimes strangely overheated and grandiose.” rich felt much the same, arguing that the film is “a satirical thriller that will have you holding your breath as much as rolling your eyes… The landing isn’t perfect, but the ride just before the nosedive is pretty entertaining.”

The Skinny acknowledged its flaws, but had a great time with it nonetheless: “Derivative as it may be – the plot is a salad of ideas plucked from Evelyn Waugh, Patricia Highsmith and Pasolini – you won’t be bored for a second.” And for FilmReelist: “This is a third date movie, where you can safely watch other people applying their genitals to each other’s bodies.”

Although many critics found the film to be patchy, they were generally complimentary of Barry Keoghan. The Observer spoke for many when it said that “the strength of Barry Keoghan’s performances in the ring cannot be overstated”. The Wall Street Journal was equally impressed. “Mr. Keoghan has an uncanny ability to come across as sly and cunning even in repose, and his performance is key to the film,” the report said. agreed: “Barry Keoghan is the star of this film, and he knows it… well-acted, devilish and decadent, there’s an underlying sense of it being more of a dark fairy tale than something to be taken too seriously.”

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