President Biden holds emergency national security meeting as Iran attacks Israel with waves of drones, as US official warns aerial bombardment could last hours

President Biden will hold an emergency meeting on national security after Iran launched a drone attack on Israel.

A spokesperson for the National Security Council said the meeting at the White House will take place on Saturday afternoon, hours after Biden canceled his weekend getaway in Delaware and rushed back to Washington DC.

The spokesperson said: ‘Iran has launched an airborne attack on Israel.

“President Biden is being regularly briefed on the situation by his national security team and will meet with them at the White House this afternoon.

President Biden is seen at Gordon’s Pond in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on Saturday after canceling his break on Iran’s attack on Israel

The president is seen boarding his Marine One helicopter.  A national security meeting is being held at the White House

The president is seen boarding his Marine One helicopter. A national security meeting is being held at the White House

“His team is in constant contact with Israeli officials, as well as other partners and allies. This attack will likely unfold over several hours.

“President Biden has been clear: our support for Israel’s security is rock-solid.

“The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran.”

Iran launched the drones on Saturday afternoon US time and they are expected to take hours to reach their target.

A US security source told CNN the bombardment could last hours.

Israel has an “iron dome” security system that can shoot down enemy missiles, although it is unclear whether it will be able to withstand the full force of the Iranian attack.

According to three security sources, dozens of drones flew from Iran over the neighboring Iraqi province of Sulaymaniyah.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps said via state media that it had launched “extensive drone strikes on targets in occupied territories.”

Iranian media reported that a second wave of drones has been launched, although details on where they are currently located are not yet known.

IDF spokesman Admiral Daniel Hagari said it would take several hours for the drones to arrive in Israel, adding that sirens would sound in threatened areas.

The IDF said: ‘The air defense force is on high alert, at the same time as the air force aircraft and naval ships that are on a mission to protect the country’s airspace. The IDF is monitoring all targets.

“We ask the public to adhere to the Home Front Command’s instructions and official IDF announcements on this matter.”

Story is developed. Check back for updates…