Pregnant woman whose doctors feared she might miscarry is STOPPED from going to ER by cop


A pregnant woman who feared she might have miscarried was stopped from going to the emergency room by a Florida cop after her husband honked at him for blocking the hospital entrance with his car.

Kevin Enciso was driving his pregnant wife Sabrina to Jackson Memorial Hospital on doctor’s orders – because she was suffering pain from a car accident the day before and believed she was miscarrying. 

But as they approached the hospital in 100F heat on July 28, they found two Miami-Dade cop cars blocking the parking lot of the building. 

Father-to-be Kevin decided to honk at the distracted deputies in a bid to rush his wife inside. One officer swiftly moved out of the way while the other decided to conduct a traffic stop.

And despite behind just a few hundred yards from the hospital entrance and in the middle of a medical emergency, the couple were instead interrogated by the officer – who brushed off Sabrina’s concerns since she was ‘breathing.’

It was only after first responders took Sabrina’s blood pressure which was ‘sky rocketing’ that the police officers let her pass through and enter the emergency ward. 

Sabrina – who was then forced to spend multiple hours in the ER – found out that she had not miscarried, but instead was expecting twins.

Kevin and Sabrina Enciso were on there way to a Florida emergency room when they were pulled over by a Miami-Dade cop after he blocked the entrance to the hospital. Sabrina is pregnant and at the time was suffering pain from an accident that occurred the day before

Kevin and Sabrina Enciso were on there way to a Florida emergency room when they were pulled over by a Miami-Dade cop after he blocked the entrance to the hospital. Sabrina is pregnant and at the time was suffering pain from an accident that occurred the day before

Officer Daniels pulled the couple over after Kevin honked at him for blocking the hospital entrance

Officer Daniels pulled the couple over after Kevin honked at him for blocking the hospital entrance

Officer Daniels pulled the couple over after Kevin honked at him for blocking the hospital entrance

Daniels ignored the couples plea to let them go to the hospital that was only a few feet away, despite Sabrina saying she might miscarry. Instead, he proceeded to conduct the traffic stop

Daniels ignored the couples plea to let them go to the hospital that was only a few feet away, despite Sabrina saying she might miscarry. Instead, he proceeded to conduct the traffic stop

Daniels ignored the couples plea to let them go to the hospital that was only a few feet away, despite Sabrina saying she might miscarry. Instead, he proceeded to conduct the traffic stop

Kevin was ushered out of the car by Daniels despite insisting his wife was experiencing a medical emergency

Kevin was ushered out of the car by Daniels despite insisting his wife was experiencing a medical emergency

Kevin was ushered out of the car by Daniels despite insisting his wife was experiencing a medical emergency 

Footage showed the moment the couple was pulled over by Daniels at the stop sign right before the hospital. Kevin attempted to move around the cop who had halted at the stop sign for several seconds

Footage showed the moment the couple was pulled over by Daniels at the stop sign right before the hospital. Kevin attempted to move around the cop who had halted at the stop sign for several seconds

Footage showed the moment the couple was pulled over by Daniels at the stop sign right before the hospital. Kevin attempted to move around the cop who had halted at the stop sign for several seconds

Recording the ordeal, Kevin was heard asking the officer: ‘What are you pulling me over for?’ but officer Daniels just responded: ‘Sir, give me your license.’ 

The expectant father, who refused to hand over his license because he didn’t ‘commit a crime’ said: ‘I honked at you very nicely – one time – for you to move out of the way. 

‘I have an emergency that is why I’m at the emergency room for my wife.’

Sabrina later added: ‘I think I’m going to miscarry.’ 

Following an altercation and spat with the officer, Kevin was ushered out of the car while Sabrina followed.

‘Oh, so you’re okay now?’ Officer Daniels said to Sabrina.

‘I had an accident,’ she responded. ‘I’m having a lot of pain.’

The officer proceeded to walk toward Sabrina to insist she sat down while he called Fire and Rescue, despite the hospital being only a few feet away.

‘She’s alert, she’s breathing,’ Daniels said. 

Minutes passed while the officer called for help, and Sabrina began to breathe heavily. Kevin continued to refuse to surrender his license while the officer asked again what was wrong with his wife.

To which Sabrina responded, ‘I think I’m getting ready to miscarry.

‘I am coming to the ER today because that’s what my doctor stated I needed to do, to make sure I don’t lose this child.’

Officer Daniels questioned the expecting mother, who works at the hospital as a  financial analyst, about the accident while he insisted on seeing the police report as proof.

‘We are going to have Fire and Rescue come and treat you right now. They’ll look at you and take your vitals and everything from the accident you had yesterday,’ the officer said.

Kevin pleaded with the officers to allow his wife to go the hospital, but Daniels insisted proof his wife had been in a hospital and was experiencing pain

Kevin pleaded with the officers to allow his wife to go the hospital, but Daniels insisted proof his wife had been in a hospital and was experiencing pain

Kevin pleaded with the officers to allow his wife to go the hospital, but Daniels insisted proof his wife had been in a hospital and was experiencing pain 

Daniels proceeded to call Fire & Rescue to help Sabrina despite the hospital being only a few feet away

Daniels proceeded to call Fire & Rescue to help Sabrina despite the hospital being only a few feet away

Daniels proceeded to call Fire & Rescue to help Sabrina despite the hospital being only a few feet away

After Daniels prevented the couple from going to the emergency room that was directly behind them, they were finally let go minutes later

After Daniels prevented the couple from going to the emergency room that was directly behind them, they were finally let go minutes later

After Daniels prevented the couple from going to the emergency room that was directly behind them, they were finally let go minutes later

Daniels and Kevin continued to quarrel outside the car while another cop got out of his car to wait for help.

Minutes later Fire & Rescue showed up to assist, and Officer Daniels cleared the couple to go to the emergency room but warned Kevin to never honk his horn at an officer.

The couple proceeded to the waiting room and stayed at the hospital for hours. 

Additional footage showed the moment Kevin pulled behind Officer Daniels who halted at a stop sign for several seconds before another cop pulled to the side of the officers car for a quick chat.

It wasn’t until Kevin honked his horn that one of the officers moved his car out of the way before the scene unfolded with Daniels. 

The video footage sparked outrage on social media as viewers were in disbelief, and called Daniels ‘irresponsible.’ 

‘Imagine a civilian blocking access to an ER and starting trouble with those trying to seek medical attention,’ one social media user said. 

Another scornfully added, ‘It’s a good thing we have the police, to protect and serve, themselves.’ 

Others insisted the officer be held responsible. 

‘The cops needs to be charged and needs to pay the cost of the emergency response team he called in. This is a dirty cop that needs to be fired and charged with harassment. 

A complaint to the Miami-Dade police department filed claiming the civil rights of the couple were violated, according to WSVN.