Port Macquarie Christmas tree lights roasted as ‘worst in history’ after rain, wind destroys it


Australian town’s Christmas display is dubbed “worst ever” but council defends a shady tree that even poses a “security risk” to locals: “We choose to see this fiasco as a victory”

  • Port Macquarie Hastings Council unveiled the disappointing tree last Friday
  • The tree attracted the attention of social media users whose opinions were divided.
  • The council is working to replace the tree with one from previous years.

A local council’s lousy attempt to spread some holiday cheer hasn’t ended quite the way she had hoped after locals roasted her Christmas tree as “the worst ever”.

Hundreds of families and community members turned out to watch the Port Macquarie Hastings Council, on the central coast of New South Wales, light up their Christmas tree last Friday.

The locals were forced to wait until midnight to see the lights come on at the council’s annual Christmas Fair, but the long-awaited reveal was greeted with many disappointed sighs.

Families expecting a glowing symbol of Christmas cheer were instead treated to a sight of Christmas blues with strings of sad-looking fairy lights barely clinging to the branches of the massive pine tree.

Port Macquarie Hastings Council took the disappointment in stride, mocking their own tree with an ‘Instagram vs Reality’ meme on Facebook.

Port Macquarie Hastings Council unveiled the disappointing Christmas tree last Friday with the community treated to a mediocre show of Christmas cheer.  (Pictured, a meme shared by the Port Macquarie Hastings Council Facebook page)

Port Macquarie Hastings Council unveiled the disappointing Christmas tree last Friday with the community treated to a mediocre show of Christmas cheer. (Pictured, a meme shared by the Port Macquarie Hastings Council Facebook page)

“What can we say except… you’re welcome?” the tip wrote Friday, along with a smiley face emoji.

‘With everything our community has been through recently, we know everyone appreciates a good laugh!

“We are glad that our sad Christmas tree can provide that for everyone.

‘So let’s be real. Our poor tree looks like it was decorated by Santa Claus after going around the world and drinking too many eggnogs.

The council said the tree decoration was done with “the best of intentions”, however “extraordinary winds and rain” had destroyed the lights.

“Don’t forget: our magnificent and prized pine tree was hit (as were our cars) by the hail storm,” the council said.

“Like the rest of us, she’s battered and bruised, but she’s still on her feet.”

The council confirmed on Tuesday that it needed to remove the sad tree because it had become a “security risk” to locals.

‘This is a great example of what some would describe as a ‘Council can’t win’ situation. HOWEVER, here at [council]- and we chose to see this whole fiasco as a victory,’ the council said.

‘We know many in our community were disappointed in our Norfolk Pine, and that’s fair! We are hard at work resurrecting our original tree that has been used in years past, which has always been a crowd pleaser.”

After a mix of criticism and praise for the Christmas tree, the council decided to resurrect the tree used in previous years (pictured, the 2022 Christmas tree the day before it was unveiled).

After a mix of criticism and praise for the Christmas tree, the council decided to resurrect the tree used in previous years (pictured, the 2022 Christmas tree the day before it was unveiled).

The council said it was glad people were able to laugh at the tree and its “less traditional approach”.

“We have enjoyed your good humor and appreciation of our abstract artwork,” the council quipped.

“Unfortunately the infamous lights will be removed as they are slipping further down the tree and are a safety risk and we are concerned that if we leave the bouncy balls up we may not have any left for Christmas.”

Port Macquarie Hastings Mayor Peta Pinson later said the council was hard at work putting up their ‘original outside tree which will be up and running for everyone’s enjoyment well before Christmas’.

‘Again, I’m so thankful to the community for coming out and celebrating. Merry Christmas to our wonderful, resourceful and resilient community,’ he said.

The tree got a lot of funny comments on social media, with users joking about the disappointing decoration.

‘I have a nine year old grandson that you can hire to do next year’s decorations. Trust me. It will look better,’ joked one.

‘Google, show me the definition of “a bit of shit”,’ said another.

Others took the sad-looking tree more seriously.

It’s not even funny, it’s a shame. What else can you expect from inept advice? one said.