Police arrest 35-year-old over ‘swan attack’ after video showed man dragging the animal by its neck through a park before being confronted by passer-by

  • A man, 35, was arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal

A man who allegedly grabbed a swan by the neck and dragged it through a park has been arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

A 35-year-old man is currently in custody and being questioned over the attack in the park near Caerphilly Castle in South Wales on Sunday afternoon, Gwent Police confirmed.

A video shared on social media showed a man carrying the bird by its neck through the park as the swan flapped its wings in an attempt to break free. He claimed he only started dealing with the animal after it attacked his child.

Brandon Ryzy, 21, said he confronted the man who claimed the swan had “attacked his children,” but noted that “there were no children around.” Mr Ryzy suspected that the man was 'under the influence' of alcohol at the time.

Mr. Ryzy shouted, “Put the fuck down!” His call was echoed by fellow park visitors who shouted “put it down!”

A man was caught on camera dragging a swan by his neck through the park near Caerphilly Castle on Sunday afternoon. The swan is seen flapping its wings in an attempt to break free

A bystander claimed the man (pictured) told him the swan had 'attacked his children', but the witness claims there were 'no children around'. It is suspected that the man was 'under the influence' of alcohol

Mr Ryzy was walking home from his Christmas shopping around 4.20pm on Sunday when he saw the man dragging the bird.

Photos and videos shared on Facebook show the man carrying the swan in one hand and what appears to be a bottle in the other.

Mr Ryzy claimed the man 'had alcohol on him' during the 'absolutely disgusting' incident and was reluctant to put the bird down.

“I had to be very aggressive to get him to stop,” he told the news station, recalling how the swan flapped its wings until it fell.

He explained how the bird's feathers were ruffled where its neck was grabbed and claimed he was apparently 'in shock'.

“I saw the man walking away and stayed with the bird to see if he could get back to the canal,” Mr Ryzy said.

Photos and videos shared on Facebook show the man carrying the swan in one hand and what appears to be a bottle in the other

The bystander said he chased the man (pictured) to make sure he freed the bird. He says the bird “flapped” around and then “fell to the ground.” It managed to 'get back into the water' but appeared 'fragile and moving slowly'

The student, who shared footage of the incident online in a bid to help identify the man, said bystanders at a nearby pub also witnessed the incident and reported it to Gwent Police.

Police told MailOnline yesterday that officers searched the area but the man was not found. Police have launched an appeal to trace him and today confirmed he has been arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

All unmarked mute swans found in open water in England are considered the property of the King and are protected by the Monarch's Swan Guard.

This means that taking a swan with you can be considered theft. Killing or injuring a swan may also result in criminal damages or a wildlife crime.

Caerphilly Bird Rescue has branded the attack as 'sickening'.

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