Podcast Marketing: What’s Hip and What Throws a Curveball? 

Podcast marketing is like the cool kid on the block – super effective, but it’s got its own set of trends and hurdles. 

No worries, though! We’re here to break it down for you. Buckle up, marketing whiz, ’cause we’re diving into the world of podcast marketing trends and how to tackle ’em like a pro.

Monetization and sponsorship

Podcasts are becoming more lucrative and attractive for marketers, as they offer a way to generate revenue, build brand awareness, and establish authority and trust. 

Podcasts can be monetized or sponsored in various ways, such as subscriptions, donations, merchandising, live events, or advertising. However, monetization and sponsorship also come with some challenges, such as finding the right sponsors, negotiating the terms and rates, creating the content and format, and maintaining the quality and authenticity of the podcast. 

To overcome these challenges, you need to have a clear value proposition, a loyal and engaged audience, and a transparent and ethical approach to monetization and sponsorship.

There are many ways to monetize podcasts (think sponsored episodes, gated content, patreon, merchandise etc. ), but finding the right sponsors and then closing the best deal may be difficult without compromising on the integrity and quality of the podcast’s content.

That is why a podcast owner must take a step back and make sure his podcast is actually ready to be monetized:

  • Do you have a clear value proposition?
  • Do you have a big-enough audience? How loyal are your listeners?
  • Do you have clear in mind how open you are to compromise for the sake of money?

Bonus tip: podcast outreach is one of the most lucrative marketing channels for SaaS companies. Just look at how Visme scaled to 2M traffic with podcast outreach.

And SaaS happens to be one of the fastest growing macro niches at the moment… How about charging for a guest episode or an interview? Just saying!

Podcast Discovery and Spreadin’ the Word

Biggest issue alert: finding and sharing podcasts ain’t as easy as Googling stuff. You can’t just slap keywords, tags, or algorithms on them. Listeners dig word-of-mouth, reviews, and ratings to uncover gems. Plus, podcasts are chillin’ on different platforms and apps, each with its own quirks. 

To rock this, juice up your podcast for easy discovery. Think snazzy titles, gripping blurbs, the right categories, eye-poppin’ artwork, and a consistent style. And hey, get the word out there – social media, emails, blogs, and shout-outs on other podcasts.

Cracking the Measurement and Credit Conundrum

Tracking podcasts ain’t a walk in the park either. Unlike counting your Insta likes, measuring podcast success and linking it to results isn’t straightforward. Metrics are all over the place depending on where your podcast streams. Also, linking podcasts to specific actions or wins? Tricky. To ace this, you’ll need a mix of tools and tricks – analytics platforms, surveys, special codes, dedicated web pages, and action-packed buttons.

Playin’ Around with Innovation and Experiments

Listen up, trendsetter! Podcasts are the cool kid that’s always evolving. Think about different content, styles, and tech. People are trying new things like video podcasts, live shows, interactive experiences, and even 3D audio vibes. To ride this wave, be open-minded, creative, and up for tryin’ new stuff. Test the waters and see what clicks with your audience and vibe.

Learnin’ and Jammin’ Together

Guess what? Podcasts aren’t just for giggles and chitchat – they’re your buddies for education and teamwork. You can teach, coach, and build a community with these bad boys. Also, collaborations, anyone? Bring in the experts, pals, or industry big shots to share their stories and wisdom. To dive in, make sure your podcast’s got a purpose, a topic that hits home, and some legit value. And hey, don’t be shy to connect and team up with like-minded folks in your niche.

So, There You Go!

We’ve unraveled the podcast marketing mysteries just for you. Get out there, be daring, and ride the podcasting trends like a pro. Remember, the mic’s all yours – now go rock that virtual stage!