Pigs can’t fly, but thanks to AI translators, they might be able to talk

Pigs are noisy, but AI may be able to interpret their sounds and tell us what they are feeling based on that. A group of scientists have developed an AI algorithm that can decode the emotions of pigs based on their grunts, squeaks and snorts. The research aims to give farmers insight into the emotional and physical health and well-being of their animals. Learning that pigs are happy, sad, stressed or something else can help those who raise them solve any problems with the animals and keep them in better conditions.

The researchers used thousands of recordings of pigs in all kinds of situations during their lives, sometimes even up to slaughter. Every squeak and grunt was tagged and labeled depending on whether the pig was experiencing a positive or negative experience. Soon the AI ​​was able to determine the emotions that different sounds evoked. For example, high-pitched squeaks often indicate anxiety or stress, while short grunts mean the pig is satisfied.

A lot of high-tech equipment is used to monitor the physical health of animals on modern farms. Adding their psychological fitness to the list could be a real boon for farmers. Happy pigs are healthy, and stressed pigs can be a sign of bigger problems. Happier pigs aren’t just good for ethical reasons; they also tend to be more valuable for meat.

Doolitle AI

The researchers believe that with enough data, this AI could eventually be adapted to understand the emotions of other animals as well. There are already efforts in that area. The new Shazam Band uses AI to translate for animals. The collar on your dog or cat (or any other animal) uses sensors to monitor how the animal responds to what you say to it and to its movements. The AI ​​translates that into human language and broadcasts through speakers in the collar. Over time, it will learn your pet’s communication skills and become more accurate.

Placing such collars around the millions of pigs raised on farms is unlikely to be practical. Still, the AI ​​algorithm could be used in other useful ways. The researchers want to create an app that uses the algorithm that allows farmers to check temperatures or keep an eye out for wild animals. Then all you have to do is connect the device to a loom and wire so the pig can make its own carpet to show how amazing it is. No spin required.

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