Pianist who stabbed her boyfriend in the groin before dousing him in bleach after he refused sex is jailed for seven years

A talented pianist narrowly stabbed her boyfriend in the groin, missing his penis, after he refused to have sex with her, a court heard.

Marlena Meczynska-Shiibashi, 38, from East Sussex, waited until her boyfriend had fallen asleep before pouring bleach on his face.

As he searched confusedly for his clothes in the dark, she stabbed him in the crotch, narrowly missing his penis.

The court in Lewes heard the couple had been in a stormy on-again, off-again relationship for several years, starting in 2011.

The music teacher later said: ‘I wanted to hurt his penis but I failed.’ Today she was sentenced to seven years in prison after she admitted wounding her boyfriend with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Piano teacher Marlena Meczynska-Shiibashi has been sentenced to seven years in prison after pleading guilty to wounding her boyfriend with intent to cause grievous bodily harm

Although they did not live together at the time of the attack, they would occasionally visit her house and have casual sex.

They occasionally acted out fantasies in which Meczynska-Shiibashi dressed up as a schoolgirl and called her boyfriend “Daddy,” the court was told.

On the day of the attack in April last year, her boyfriend came to her home in Hastings, East Sussex, after family members contacted him with concerns about her.

The couple had sex, but when she didn’t come, he left because he had some chores to do.

A little later he came back and they watched a movie together, after which the man turned over to go to sleep.

The court heard that Meczynska-Shiibashi tried to initiate sex with him by groping him under the covers, but he told her: “Please don’t do that.”

He then fell asleep, but woke up abruptly when he felt liquid being poured on his left cheek.

He told the court: ‘My next memory was of a liquid being poured over the left side of my face. When I inhaled it I realised it was bleach. It went into my nose and ear.

“I immediately sat up and then she threw the rest of the contents of the glass in my face.” The victim said he tried to find his clothes using the flashlight on his phone and was able to put on his socks.

Meczynska-Shiibashi said I wanted to damage his penis but didn't during her trial at Lewes Crown Court.

Meczynska-Shiibashi said I wanted to damage his penis but didn’t during her trial at Lewes Crown Court.

Blinded by the bleach, he also felt a warm liquid flowing down his leg.

He said: ‘My first thought was that I had wet myself because I was afraid of what was happening. It was only when I looked down that I saw that the blood was from a wound.

‘I looked at her and she had a face full of anger and she was holding a knife and she came at me with the knife.’ The piano teacher brandished the knife and attacked again as he desperately tried to escape, the court heard.

The victim began screaming for help and in panic he grabbed a cardboard box and used it as a shield, pushing her off the bed before fleeing the apartment.

He said: ‘I was able to jump on the bed, run across, unlock the door and then all of a sudden the landlord was there.’ Police found the 50-year-old man lying naked and covered in blood in the hallway of the rental property.

He was covered in bleach and had a stab wound high on his inner thigh. He was rushed to hospital where he received medical treatment for his injuries.

When Meczynska-Shiibashi was arrested by police, she asked officers: “Do you know whether it is in his genitals or not?” In court, she said: “I wanted to hurt his penis, but because he moved, I hit his thigh instead.” Meczynska-Shiibashi told the court: “I got extremely drunk and high on marijuana.

I grabbed a kitchen knife and bleach and poured the bleach into a glass. I poured it over his closed eyes.

The piano teacher told the court that she was the victim of serious sexual abuse and that she had acted in self-defense.

However, the court found no evidence of abuse and ruled that she pressured and controlled her boyfriend.

The court ruled that Meczynska-Shiibashi had a personality disorder for which there is no medical treatment.

Judge Christine Laing KC told the pianist: ‘I find you to be a liar and a very manipulative person who hides behind a story of serious abuse as an excuse to beat people up both mentally and physically.’ She sentenced her to seven years in prison and four years’ conditional discharge to protect the public.

She also imposed an indefinite restraining order on her, banning her from having any contact with her ex-boyfriend.