Peter Dutton accused of ‘extraordinary act of vandalism’ over climate emissions targets

Senator David Pocock has rejected the Coalition’s pledge to remain committed to the Paris Agreement but scrapped Australia’s legally binding climate targets.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said he would abandon Australia’s 2030 target to cut emissions by 43 percent from 2005 levels if the Coalition wins the next federal election.

“Abandoning Australia’s commitments in Paris at a time when more action is needed, not less, would be an extraordinary act of vandalism against the future of the people and places we love,” Senator Pocock said.

Under the Paris Agreement, member states must increase their emissions targets every five years and must not lower them.

It obliges countries to take measures that limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and keep it below 2 degrees Celsius.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said if the Coalition won the next federal election he would dump Australia’s 2030 target of cutting emissions by 43 percent from 2005 levels.

Opposition communications spokesman David Coleman dodged questions about whether the coalition would have a 2030 target.

“We are committed to the Paris Agreement,” he told ABC’s Insiders on Sunday.

“We are aiming for net zero by 2050 and we will have more say on the targets well before the election.”

Climate groups warn that rolling back Australia’s targets could hamper investment as the country transitions to a cleaner economy.

Such a move could jeopardize Australia’s membership of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Energy Minister Chris Bowen described the coalition’s explanation of its policy as a “rolling disaster.”

“The fact is that the Paris agreement is crystal clear, there can be no backsliding,” he said.

‘If you reduce your target, you violate the Paris agreement.’

Mr Bowen said forecasts published in December showed Australia was on track for a 42 per cent emissions reduction, just below the 43 per cent target.

The coalition proposes introducing nuclear energy as the way to reduce emissions.

Under the Paris Agreement, member states must increase their emissions targets every five years and must not lower them

The first nuclear power stations would not be built until 2040 at the earliest, the CSIRO reported in May.

Australia’s nuclear ban would also have to be overturned in a lengthy process.

Nuclear reactors in the country would contribute to worse climate outcomes, according to Solutions for Climate Australia.

“Nuclear energy is a worrying distraction from getting on with the urgent job of replacing polluting coal and gas with the solar and wind technology we have now,” said Elly Baxter, the group’s senior campaigner.

The Paris Agreement and its emissions targets had mobilized billions of dollars for new, clean and job-creating industries, said Erwin Jackson, director of Investor Group on Climate Change.

“Reversing these commitments and withdrawing from the Paris Agreement would erode investor confidence at a time when Australia is competing for funding for new technologies and clean industries, local jobs and training opportunities,” he said.

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