PETA slammed for resurfaced tweet that said drinking cow’s milk was a ‘symbol of white supremacy’

A resurfaced tweet from animal rights group PETA claiming that cow’s milk is a “symbol of white supremacy” has gone viral, racking up millions of interactions.

In a 2017 tweet, the activist group said dairy milk is a common drink among white supremacists because “the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living beings.”

“Cow’s milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists. Another reason to use #DitchDairy,” said People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

The tweet was picked up and reshared over the weekend, gaining 4.2 million views.

PETA also claims on its website that “drinking dairy milk is bad for human health,” but studies increasingly show that switching to plant-based versions can have lasting health consequences.

In a resurfaced tweet, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said dairy milk is a common drink among white supremacists because “the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living things.”

“Aside from ‘lactose tolerant’ white supremacists, cow’s milk is truly the perfect beverage of choice for all (even unwitting) supremacists, as the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living beings,” PETA wrote on its website

In a longer article on PETA’s website, the agency pointed to research showing that white Europeans can better digest lactose.

They said white supremacists have used that as an excuse to consider themselves the “master race.”

“Aside from ‘lactose tolerant’ white supremacists, cow’s milk is truly the perfect drink of choice for all (even unwitting) supremacists, as the dairy industry inflicts extreme violence on other living beings,” the agency wrote.

‘PETA is trying to make people aware of the implications of choosing this white drink and suggests they immediately choose something else.’

However, science has repeatedly shown that cow’s milk has more nutritional benefits than plant-based alternatives such as oat and almond milk.

Earlier this summer, a large-scale study showed that nine out of ten plant-based milks are ‘nutritionally inferior’ to cow’s milk.

This milk contained less of at least one of three essential nutrients than cow’s milk: calcium, vitamin D and protein.

Dr. Abigail Johnson, the epidemiologist who led the study, said: ‘Our results provide evidence that many plant-based milk alternatives are not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk.’

In fact, she said people who drink exclusively plant-based milks should consider supplements to ensure they aren’t missing out on essential vitamins and minerals.

Overall, plant-based milks average about 350 milligrams (mg) of calcium and three micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D per 8.1 fluid ounces (fl oz) (240 milliliters, ml).

They also contain approximately two grams (g) of protein per 8.1 fl oz (240 ml).

For comparison: the US Department of Agriculture says that whole milk contains about eight grams of protein per 8.1 fl oz (240 ml).

It also contains approximately 306 mg of calcium and almost three mcg of vitamin D per serving.

Additionally, a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which examined more than 500 studies, concluded that animal food sources provide “critical sources of much-needed nutrients.”

These include proteins, fats and carbohydrates, iron, calcium and zinc.

Not getting enough calcium has been linked to several health problems, including brittle nails, slower hair growth and thin skin.

It can also increase the risk of osteoporosis and brittle or weakened bones because when the body doesn’t get enough calcium, it has to get it from the bones.

In children, calcium is essential for growth and development.

This isn’t the first time PETA has tweeted strong opinions about dairy without evidence.

Also this weekend, the agency posted: ‘Drinking dairy milk is so embarrassing.’

They didn’t give any explanation. When a user asked what other types of milk there are, PETA responded: “Oat, pea, macadamia, soy, tigernut, cashew, almond, coconut, rice, hemp, hazelnut, flax milk… all great alternatives.’

The organization also tweeted a video last week claiming that ‘cheese is destroying cow families’ as calves are ‘pulled away’ so their milk can be made into cheese.

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