Perth primary school principal accused of sending ‘d**k pic’ to a student who turned out to be a cop


Australia’s top director is accused of sending a ‘d**k photo’ to police officer posing as a girl

  • Perth director Shayne Harris, 53, is accused of sending a ‘d**k photo’
  • Mr Harris is alleged to have sent a photo of his penis to a police officer posing as a girl
  • He has been removed from his teaching job as a result of the allegations.

A school principal has been accused of sending an explicit photo of his genitalia to a police officer posing as a 14-year-old girl.

Shayne Harris, 53, faced Perth Magistrates Court on Thursday, charged with exposing a child to an indecent affair and possession of drugs.

Mr. Harris is the principal of Aveley North Elementary School, a position he assumed last September, and has served as principal for over 20 years.

Veteran school principal Shayne Harris (pictured) allegedly sent a photo of his penis to someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl, but was actually a police officer.

The interaction allegedly occurred on New Year’s Day, where Mr. Harris allegedly struck up a conversation with someone he thought was a girl. western australia reports.

The court heard that the director was texting the ‘teenager’ using a fake ID before the pair chatted on Google Chats, where he used an email containing his name.

It is alleged that the conversation between the pair became sexually charged on Google Chats before Harris sent a photo of his penis.

A police officer posed as the young woman throughout the conversation, which was reportedly recorded.

Officers often pose as children and youth online to catch pedophiles.

Police raided Mr. Harris’ home on Wednesday, where he was arrested and charged.

Officers allegedly discovered cannabis and drug paraphernalia at his home.

The school principal remained behind bars overnight, but was granted bail during his court appearance the next day.

Mr Harris faced Perth Magistrates Court (pictured) on charges of exposing a child to indecent affair and drug possession. He was granted bail with strict conditions and will face court next month.

Harris faced court on Thursday, where prosecutors asked that he be held in prison until his next court appearance due to the seriousness of the crime with which he has been charged.

But the principal’s defense attorney cited Mr. Harris’ clean criminal record and extensive career as a principal and teacher in his counterargument.

Harris was released on bail on the condition that she surrender her passport, stay out of state and give police access to check her internet devices.

He will face court next month.

He has been removed from his role as Head of School at Aveley North Elementary School.

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