Perth mum just wanted to hire someone to take her trash when she moved home. Instead it ended up dumped back on her doorstep – along with a $375 bill

An angry mother was shocked to discover that the trash she paid for had been dumped back in her driveway, ultimately costing her $375 to have it picked up.

Last Saturday, Kathleen Grace Moko had to have some rubbish collected from her home in Kingsley, in Perth’s north.

She found a moving company on Facebook, agreed on a price, and he agreed to do the job the next day.

Mrs Moko told Yahoo News that she helped the mover load the waste into his van and that they left the area separate.

But on the way she got stranded after her car broke down and the battery was flat.

Stressed, she missed the calls from the mover who said he had been waiting for 30 minutes.

“I admit I should have responded to his calls, but I was sitting in a puddle of water,” she said.

When Mrs. Moko drove past her old house, she was shocked to see that the rubbish she had paid for had been dumped back in her driveway.

The mover dumped the trash back in Mrs. Moko’s driveway and pocketed the $80 cost

Mrs. Moko called the mover, who told her that he had brought back the trash because the dump wanted to charge him $45 and she had not returned his calls.

Mrs Moko claimed that he could have used the $80 she paid him for the tip, but that he simply pocketed the money.

The issue escalated after Ms Moko and the removal man sent a series of angry text messages to each other.

“You owe me $80,” she wrote.

The mover replied, “I did my job… I was there to pick up the stuff.”

Ms Moko hit back: ‘I’m reporting it to the police. Dumping it at the house when you took cash and didn’t take the rubbish.’

The mover replied, “Of course I will report that you did not pay me for the garbage.”

Mrs Moko replied: ‘This is too much. I’m stranded on the side of the road… You took the $80.’

“I waited for you for 30 minutes,” the mover wrote.

Ms Moko said it cost her a total of $375 to finally have the rubbish removed from her home

Mrs. Moko is frustrated by the story.

“It took him a day to do the job and a few hours to respond to my messages. After 30 minutes, I still hadn’t responded, so he decided to dump it,” she told Yahoo.

“He claims I have no proof that I paid him.”

She said she felt exhausted by the experience and that it may have only cost $80, “but it really means a lot to me and my autistic son.”

Ms Moko claimed she had to take out a “small loan” to have the rubbish collected, which cost her $295.

The council has collected the mattress.

She claims the moving company has since blocked her on social media and still hasn’t refunded her $80.

Mrs Moko is now considering her legal options.

Mrs Moko and the mover exchanged angry messages after he dumped the rubbish back on her driveway

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