Perth matchmaker Louanne Ward reveals signs your date isn’t into you

A professional matchmaker has revealed seven telltale signs to look out for on a date that indicate they’re not interested.

Relationship expert Louanne Ward said it’s important to know as soon as possible whether or not someone you’re dating is interested so you don’t waste “precious time” or “emotional energy” on them.

The Perth dating coach gave her tips for deciphering a date’s body language to gauge their interest by how much eye contact they give you and even which direction they are physically leaning in.

“When reading body language on a date or in a social interaction, it’s important to look for clusters of nonverbal cues as it helps to more accurately interpret someone’s feelings, emotions and attitudes,” Louanne wrote in a blog after.

‘Individual body language signals can be ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations. However, when several signals occur together, they can reinforce each other, giving a clearer signal of the person’s state of mind.’

Matchmaker Louanne Ward, from Perth, has revealed the seven telltale signs a date isn’t interested in you, from avoiding eye contact to crossing arms

If someone isn't much into conversation, it might be time to wrap up the date.  If one gives you 'short or monosyllabic' answers, they are 'obviously' disinterested (stock image)

If someone isn’t much into conversation, it might be time to wrap up the date. If one gives you ‘short or monosyllabic’ answers, they are ‘obviously’ disinterested (stock image)

Seven ways to tell your date isn’t interested

Limited eye contact

Closed body language

Minimal involvement in conversation

Lean away

Limited physical contact

Lack of mirroring

Preoccupation and distraction

Source: Louanne Ward Matchmaking

Louanne said limited eye contact is a “powerful” indicator of a lack of connection, interest and engagement.

“If your date doesn’t make eye contact or often looks away, it could indicate a lack of interest or discomfort,” she said.

“Lack of eye contact indicates that their attention is elsewhere and they may not be fully present in the conversation.”

The love coach said you should pay close attention to your date’s body language and in particular their arm position.

“Crossed arms create a barrier between you and your date, indicating defensiveness and a closed attitude,” she said.

“This physical barrier suggests a lack of openness and receptivity to further involvement.”

Well in a previous one afterLouanne cautioned that folded arms aren’t always an indication of disinterest and could be because someone is cold and trying to warm up or refraining from fidgeting to give someone their undivided attention.

If a person isn’t much into conversation, it might be time to wrap up the date according to Louanne.

She said if a person only gives “short or monosyllabic” answers and you feel like you’re doing most of the work in a conversation, it’s a sign they’re “clearly” not interested in building a connection.

“Observing your date’s body position can provide important clues about their interest,” Louanne said.

“If they consistently lean away from you, it indicates a desire to create physical distance and detach from the interaction.”

Finally, a sure sign of indifference is when a date is preoccupied or distracted by constantly looking at their phone or looking across the room (stock image)

Finally, a sure sign of indifference is when a date is preoccupied or distracted by constantly looking at their phone or looking across the room (stock image)

The fifth sign to look out for is limited physical contact, when your date avoids any kind of touch and maintains physical distance.

“Physical touch is often an intimate and connecting gesture… Their reluctance to engage in physical touch indicates a lack of desire for more intimacy.”

When a spark is struck between two people, Louanne says, they often subconsciously mirror each other’s body language and expressions.

She suggested that if a date doesn’t reflect your movements, they aren’t keen on building a deeper connection as it doesn’t show rapport or compatibility.

Why it’s important to acknowledge your date’s disinterest

  1. Save time and energy – Understanding that your date isn’t interested can help you avoid investing in a relationship that may have no potential. This allows you to focus your efforts on finding someone who is genuinely interested and right for you.
  2. Maintain self-confidence – Rejection can be hard, but acknowledging disinterest helps you avoid unnecessary self-doubt. It reminds you that compatibility is a two-way street and is not a reflection of your worth as an individual.
  3. Avoiding Mixed Signals Clearly – communication and honesty is crucial in any relationship. Knowing your date isn’t interested prevents misunderstandings or mixed signals. It allows you to have open and honest conversations about your intentions and expectations.
  4. Find better matches – Acknowledging disinterest allows you to focus on finding someone who aligns with your values, interests, and goals. It gives you the opportunity to explore other potential connections that have a higher chance of success.

Source: Louanne Ward Matchmaking

Finally, a sure sign of indifference is when a date is preoccupied or distracted by constantly looking at their phone or looking across the room.

Their attention is elsewhere and they are not fully engaged or invested in the current interaction. This behavior shows a lack of respect and consideration for you,” she said.

By recognizing these seven signs, Louanne said, you can gain valuable insights into a date’s level of interest in you and adjust your expectations.

She said it’s normal that not every date results in mutual interest and that you shouldn’t be let down by it.

“The key is to be aware of these signals and use them as guidelines rather than definitive proof of disinterest.”

Louanne said recognizing the signs of disinterest can significantly impact your overall dating experience.

“It’s not just about determining if your date is interested or not; it’s about recognizing the broader implications for your own well-being and the potential for a healthy relationship,” she said.