Get perfect skin using your star sign: Neuroscientists say tailoring skincare regimes to horoscopes can really work – here’s how to do it

When it comes to skincare, I’m always up for trying new things. As someone who successfully banished the adult acne of my late 20s with years of expensive facials, I know how important it is to find the right treatment for you.

And what could be more personal than a facial treatment that is not only tailored to the latest scientific developments, but also to my character and the resulting lifestyle choices?

Meet the ‘Astro Facial’ – apparently the world’s first ‘fusion of skin health and astrology’. The idea is to treat skin issues caused by your zodiac sign’s personality traits (you can find out which skincare ingredients are best for your sign in the skincare horoscopes in this article).

Salon C. Stellar in London uses products from the Children of Earth Skincare line. Radhika enjoyed the Taurus star sign oil massage

As far-fetched as it sounds, it’s all about tapping into the skin-brain connection – something that’s backed up by neuroscience. This is known as ‘neurocosmetics’ and is where effects in the brain, such as stress, are reflected on the skin.

Will tapping into my Taurus traits—from a tendency to worry to a love of luxury—solve my rosacea and occasional breakouts once and for all?

The origins of astrology-inspired skincare lie in the US, but London’s Salon C. Stellar is offering a 75-minute treatment for £220. It’s the brainchild of skincare expert Andrea Pfeffer, who describes it as a place “where ancient wisdom meets modern science”.

The salon uses products from the Children of Earth Skincare range: 12 face oils – one for each star sign – ranging from an anti-inflammatory, confidence-boosting oil for empathetic Aquarians to a soothing, antimicrobial oil for driven Capricorns, each costing £55.

Before my appointment, I fill out the extensive pre-consultation form. I not only give my date of birth, but also the time and place, so that my beautician can draw up my astrological chart.

When I arrive, a personalized ‘Taurus’ sheet is waiting for me on the lilac bed.

It turns out that what we think of as our zodiac signs are actually our “sun signs,” i.e., where the Earth was in relation to the Sun at the time of our birth; “moon signs” are where the Moon was. Coincidentally, mine were both in Taurus.

“Your moon sign is your calming, feminine sign,” explains facialist Stephanie Alvarez. “And that’s the energy we want to tap into today.”

Stephanie starts by massaging a floral cleanser into my face, and tells me to breathe, meditate, and focus on the “qualities associated with my moon sign.” I close my eyes and try to connect with the Taurus energy of feeling grounded, as well as sensuality and pleasure.

Even as she uses an LED light therapy device on my skin to increase collagen, she puts headphones on my ears so I can follow an astrology-specific guided meditation. It’s so soothing that I fall asleep.

The facialist uses an LED light therapy device on Radhika’s skin to increase collagen

But the best part is the luxurious long facial massage, with my specific Taurus star sign oil. It contains apricot kernels and raspberry kernels, plus rosemary oil to encourage focus and alertness while combating overthinking (a big problem for Tauruses, apparently) and ylang ylang to relieve stress and depression.

When I leave the facial my skin is glowing. Friends compliment me all day long and want to know why my complexion looks so dewy and radiant.

The proof is in the pudding. I get to keep my £55 bottle of Zodiac oil, which Arabella von Nesselrode-Reichenstein, founder of Children of Earth Skincare, encourages me to use daily, and a Virgo oil (another £55) for my ‘rising’ sign – the planetary influence that increased when I was born, something that can be discovered via free astrology websites.

Radhika’s friends kept complimenting her on her glowing complexion after the Astro Facial

“Your sun sign is your essence and overarching personality, so you can use that oil as you start your day,” she explains. “Your rising is your outer identity, the person you present to everyone, so that can be really helpful before a meeting or a presentation. And your moon sign is your emotions and inner processes, so that oil can be good to use before bed.”

I try my Virgo and Taurus oils every morning and night, massaging them into my skin before taking six deep breaths – inhale for seven seconds, exhale for nine. At first it feels annoying to have another addition to my routine, but soon I look forward to my moment of luxury.

As for my skin, it also feels plumper and more relaxed. The rosacea seems to have calmed down a bit and I haven’t had any breakouts since my facial. I have no idea if it’s the anti-inflammatory mushrooms in the oils, or if it’s because I’m using my Taurus and Virgo energy to give my brain the specific de-stressors it needs. Whether it’s astrology or just more ‘me time’, it seems to be working.

There are 12 zodiac signs – Radhika is a Taurus, represented by the bull sign at the top left of the chart


By Arabella von Nesselrode-Reichenstein, Founder of Children of Earth Skincare


Most skin care issues for an Aries can be caused by things like overwork and potential anger. So, the best thing for an Aries is to stay calm, using relaxing oils like lavender flower, which can also help with sensitive and acne-prone skin, as well as a balancing frankincense oil, which is anti-inflammatory and can also restore collagen. To cool down that Aries fire, peppermint oil is a great option, as it naturally cools and soothes the skin.


Most of their skincare issues can be attributed to over-indulgence or excessive comfort seeking, as well as a tendency to overthink. The best thing a Taurus can do is try to stop dwelling on their problems, as this can aggravate existing conditions, so rosemary oil, which helps improve concentration, is perfect. Patchouli helps maintain skin elasticity, prevents UV damage, and grounds the earthy Taurus mind, while ylang ylang helps alleviate stress symptoms.


Geminis tend to be restless and sometimes nervous, which can lead to fatigue and burnout—none of which are good for your skin. So try anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ginger oil, which can help relieve facial muscle tension; grapefruit oil, which addresses stress at a cellular level; and bergamot oil, which boosts collagen in your skin and reduces cortisol.


Strong emotions are common with cancer and can lead to a decrease in skin vitality. It is important to try to stay calm, using things like rosemary oil to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. Chamomile oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on tired skin and is also neuroprotective, which helps protect the nervous system.


Leo skin problems can be traced back to overexertion and too much energy. It is important that they try to ground themselves, using things like rose oil to help relax both their skin and mind, and to cool their skin temperature and blood flow. Raspberry seed oil can help repair skin cells and prevent the skin from losing its natural moisture.


For Virgos, most skin issues can be attributed to an imbalance in the gut microbiome, which can lead to excess acidity – something that is normally caused by anxiety and worry. Petitgrain oil is a powerful antioxidant that can balance the skin microbiome and skin barrier, while anti-aging lemon oil reduces stress. Frankincense can help restore collagen and balance emotions.


When Libras are out of balance, it can lead to nervous exhaustion, all of which impacts the skin. Anti-aging geranium oil can help with the brain’s stress response, while black pepper oil stimulates collagen production and apricot kernel oil can improve overall skin health and harmonize the skin barrier.


For Scorpios, overanalyzing situations can lead to tired, stressed skin, while taking care of their sensual personalities will have the opposite effect. Libido-boosting rose oil can help, as can oxytocin-boosting clary sage to lower blood pressure. Add lavender oil to keep dry skin hydrated.


Often, skin problems for Sagittarius come down to issues caused by too much restlessness, so healing tea tree oil is recommended. Its anti-cancer properties make it perfect for the adventurous, outdoorsy Sagittarius. Meanwhile, cordyceps mushroom will help reduce stress from UVB sun damage and slow down aging in cells.


Capricorn skin problems can usually be caused by inner tensions and worries, which stem from the tendency to impose limiting beliefs on oneself. Bergamot oil helps by reducing anxiety and cortisol, while increasing the skin’s collagen levels. Green mandarin oil is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory extract that can also help build inner strength.


The individual nature of an Aquarian means they can be prone to anxiety, so it’s important that they trust their self-confidence. Neroli oil is clinically proven to reduce anxiety and is a powerful antioxidant that helps to brighten the skin, while coriander oil is a natural antidepressant, as well as being anti-aging and collagen boosting.


This is a naturally dreamy, contemplative sign, but if a Pisces gets too much in their head, it can lead to an imbalance in their skin. Frankincense helps to provide a sense of stability and balance, regulating cortisol and restoring collagen, while raspberry seed oil can soothe the skin and reduce irritations such as itching, swelling, and redness.

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