Pensioner turns neighbour into human fireball with home-made flame thrower

Pensioner turns neighbor into human fireball with homemade flamethrower and shoots wife in the neck with a harpoon gun over an allotment garden

  • Shocking images show how a man in Russia is set on fire by a pensioner
  • During the altercation, a woman was also shot in the neck with a harpoon gun

A pensioner shockingly turned his neighbor into a human fireball with a homemade flamethrower, then shot a woman in the neck with a harpoon gun in an allotment dispute.

Shocking footage captured in Russia shows the moment a man goes up in flames as he tries to calm the pensioner down in a dispute over claims he had run an illegal wire from an underground electricity hub to steal electricity.

As the younger man approaches him to defuse the situation, he tries to take what appears to be a fire extinguisher from his neighbor’s hands.

But to his surprise, it is in fact a homemade flamethrower that turns the man into a walking inferno, leaving the onlookers completely shocked.

An elderly woman standing next to him narrowly avoids the same fate as an open door prevents the flames from engulfing her as she films the altercation.

As the man staggers back wildly in an attempt to put out the blaze, others crowd around him to help as the footage comes to a close.

This is the chilling moment when a retiree turns his neighbor into a human fireball with a homemade flamethrower

The younger man appears to try to take the flamethrower from the pensioner (left), but is set on fire and left with horrific burns (right)

The terrifying incident is said to have occurred in Trudovoye, a village in the Primorsky Krai region of the Russian Far East, near Vladivostok.

Shockingly, the dispute doesn’t end there. A second video shows a woman – the head of the local community horticulture association known only as Nina – with an arrow sticking out of her neck.

The arrow – reportedly from a harpoon gun – passed right through her neck, but miraculously missed, causing fatal damage.

As she stands there in complete shock, the man who was set on fire appears to be seriously injured with burnt skin flaking off his body.

Local media reported that the harpoon gun was fired by the pensioner as the woman looked away from him.

A witness told local media: ‘In the confusion, the attacker approached the president of the horticultural association from behind with a harpoon gun and aimed at her back.

A second video showed the head of the local community horticulture association, named only as Nina, with an arrow sticking out of her neck. It was reportedly fired from a harpoon gun

“Seeing this, they screamed, and her husband, who was standing nearby, tried to save his wife.

“At that moment the assailant fired and pierced the woman’s neck with an arrow through and through.”

The pensioner was reportedly knocked to the ground by onlookers after attempting to re-enter his home before being handed over to police.

Paramedics took both victims to hospital by ambulance.

The flamethrower victim is said to have severe burns on more than 60 percent of his body and a fundraiser has been launched to cover his treatment costs.

Local media reports that Nina underwent surgery to remove the arrow and is conscious and in talks with police. She is expected to be released from the hospital this week.

It is clear that the police have opened an attempted murder investigation.

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