Pedantic semantics! People share their language pet peeves and words they hate to hear – but how guilty are YOU of using them?
Brits have shared the filler words entering everyday vocabulary that they can’t stand to hear.
In a thread posted on Reddit, a UK-based user asked others to share their language pet peeves – and many were keen to voice their complaints about words they didn’t like hearing.
Presenting a poll to readers, the person asked which filler words annoyed them the most: ‘like’, ‘basically’, completely’, ‘actually’ or ‘even’. the words annoyed them more: ‘Like’ or ‘basically’.
As the semantic pedants argued about the phrases and words they hated hearing, things got a little heated – and some people even sheepishly admitted to using the hated phrases often.
Brits have been debating their least favorite words to hear in a sentence, in what they describe as ‘Americanisms’ creeping into the language in the UK.
British users answered a Reddit poll on the ‘most annoying words’ prompting much discussion in the comments.
While the original poster asked other people for their thoughts on their most hated words, they asked others to vote for their least favorite phrases.
Although the vote was close, more than half of voters decided that ‘like’ was their least favorite word to hear in a sentence.
One person wrote: “Americans don’t even realize how much they use that f****** word.”
However, another person, believed to be from the US, admitted: “I use as in almost all my sentences, like one time I said it five times in one sentence and the guy got really mad at me.
“But it’s like when you don’t have the word yet and you say like ‘like’ instead of ‘erm’ or ‘eh’ while you like to pause for the word you’re trying to think of.”
They added that it helped them organize their thoughts.
In response, another user who vehemently hated the word said: ‘(It) makes you look stupid.’
As people debated which of the two filler words they disliked more, they also voiced their most hated phrases and words.
One user joked: ‘literally’ is up there for me. People literally say it in every sentence these days.’
Another Redditor reinforced this sentiment: ‘Literally and obviously my additions to this discussion. Both misused by people who really like the sound of their own voice.’
As people debated the use of the words ‘literally’, ‘like’, ‘basically’ and ‘clearly’, one person pointed out that the particular lexicon fits the ‘Valley Girl’ trend, which pokes fun at women from LA for the way in which you speak using a lot of filler words.
The debate comes next Americans took to Reddit to share things they think are considered ‘luxuries’ in the US but are practically essential across the pond.
Meryse took to the No Stupid Questions subreddit to ask, “What do Europeans have in everyday life that you consider a luxury in America?”
One of the first major differences people noted was the quality and cost of the treats, with one Reddit user saying, “Chocolate that doesn’t taste like Splenda-infused vomit.”
Meanwhile, another complained about the poor variety and availability of good bread in the state.
“Freshly baked bread at reasonable prices that you can get on foot from your home and are not full of preservatives,” they said.