PE teacher Belinda Norton shares the five things she has learned in 25 years in the industry


A PE teacher who looks better now in her 40s than she did in her 20s shared the five things she’s learned in 25 years in the industry that have completely changed her health and body.

Belinda Norton, 45, from the Gold Coast, said ‘successful body health’ is less about a short-term quick fix and more about being consistent with your approach to diet and exercise.

Belinda religiously adheres to five “tips and tricks” for staying in shape all year long.

A PE teacher who looks better now in her 40s than she did in her 20s shared the five things she’s learned in 25 years in the industry that have turned her health around.

The first thing Belinda said you absolutely have to remember is that your health and all ‘intentional health changes start and stay with food’ (her meals pictured)

1. Remember that food is your ‘booster or poison’

The first thing Belinda said you absolutely have to remember is that your health and all “intentional health changes start and are sustained with food.”

“80 percent of all successful health comes from eating food and unfortunately we can’t exercise with poor food choices,” Belinda wrote in her instagram page.

Also, drinking alcohol is like eating twice as much at each meal. Forgiveness.’

Belinda eats one whole carrot and two cucumbers a day (pictured) because the fiber in carrots helps keep blood sugar levels in check, while cucumbers hydrate the body

2. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as you want.

On the other hand, you can eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as you want, as the PE teacher said, these are ‘free’ foods that won’t affect your waistline.

“Remember organic food grown in real soil, not frozen or packaged,” Belinda said.

She personally likes to eat a whole carrot and two cucumbers a day, because the fiber in carrots helps keep blood sugar levels in check, while eating cucumbers “hydrates the body and leads to health benefits that include weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels’.

“Take a bag of carrots and cucumbers next time you’re at the grocery store and eat, eat, eat,” she said.

“They really are the perfect snacks.”

‘Try to move all the muscles and joints every day. Try to focus on each muscle that moves as often as possible during the day,” said Belinda (pictured).

3. Move every day

Whether it’s walking, running, skipping, skipping, crawling, swimming or stretching, Belinda said moving your body every day is key to good health.

‘Try to move all the muscles and joints every day. Try to focus on each muscle that moves as often as possible during the day,” he said.

Typically, the 45-year-old mixes up her cardio and resistance sessions, but always tries to get some kind of movement, whether it’s walking, running down hills, or just swimming.

Add speed. I mean, sprint, go fast, set a timer for your sessions. Don’t waste time moving around the gym – get in, get out and do all the moves fast,” said Belinda (pictured).

4. Quality over quantity

When it comes to exercise, Belinda said that quality always prevails over quantity.

Add speed. I mean, sprint, go fast, set a timer for your sessions. Don’t waste time moving around the gym – get in, get out and do all the moves fast,” he said.

She added that women are “born endurance athletes.”

‘To ensure a boost of energy or a healthy and toned body, move fast.’

Finally, the PE teacher said that when trying to change your physique, it’s important to “accept who you are today” and focus on consistency, not perfection.

5. Accept who you are today.

Finally, the physical education teacher said that when you are trying to change your physique, it is important to ‘accept who you are today’.

‘Think about improving energy. Improvement of digestive function. Think about improving muscle composition. Don’t think about weight loss,’ he said.

Instead of thinking about losing weight, which is sure to set you up for failure, he said you should think about following a “healthy and balanced lifestyle.”

‘Make it a routine, make fitness a habit, not a challenge.’

Previously, Belinda said that ‘real, cultured foods’ are the number one secret to getting a fit physique inside and out in the new year.

In early 2022, Belinda said her goal for the year was to “encourage others,” and her first piece of advice is to increase your intake of healthy, raw foods.

‘It really is the magic elixir for our body’s performance level. These soil-grown foods promote internal health from digestion to blood-boosting components,” he wrote.

“I encourage you to eat raw vegetables every day and increase your intake by adding vegetables to every meal, including breakfast.”

Belinda (pictured) recommends making simple adjustments like adding spinach to eggs, eating raw carrots for snacks, eating baby cucumbers, enjoying raw cauliflower with dips, and adding greens to every dinner.

Belinda recommends making simple adjustments like adding spinach to eggs, eating raw carrots for snacks, eating baby cucumbers, enjoying raw cauliflower with dips, and adding greens to every dinner.

“The fact is that food is more than just calories, it’s information our cells need to function, it’s information our metabolism can use to run efficiently or slowly,” he said.

“When we eat sugars, fruit juices or refined carbohydrates, they go directly to the liver, where they start to make fat, triggering insulin resistance and causing chronically elevated blood insulin levels, which causes the body to store everything which means it has toxicity.”

She added that ‘real’ foods like low-glycemic vegetables and fruits, healthy fats (walnut seeds, avocado and olives), gluten-free whole grains, legumes and responsibly sourced protein and seafood) provide cells the information they need to function at their best. .

“They improve skin, hair, brain function, mental clarity and immunity,” he said.

‘Eating well should not only be a question of quantity, but more imperative with quality.’

Belinda regularly shares her health tips and tricks on social media, recently revealing her secret ‘five step routine reset’ to encourage Australians to revise their lifestyles.

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