Passenger shows empty ‘ghost flight’ from Sydney to Fiji


What it’s really like on board a ‘ghost flight’: the passenger was shocked to discover he was the only one on the plane, and some very strange things happened on board

  • Robbie Allen was the only passenger on a Virgin flight
  • The flight was from Sydney to Fiji in January 2022
  • An almost empty plane is called a ‘ghost flight’

A man traveling from Sydney to Fiji was shocked to discover he was the only passenger boarding a ‘ghost flight’.

On Tuesday, passenger Robbie Allen shared details of his empty flight to Fiji in January last year.

He said he was the only person on board the plane on what airlines call a “ghost flight,” where it is flown a normal route with less than 10 percent of its passenger capacity filled.

“I was literally the only person on the entire plane,” he said in a video that has been viewed almost 500,000 times.

‘The captain came and sat next to me and talked to me. The staff gave me everything he wanted.’

Virgin passenger Robbie Allen was the only passenger on board a flight from Sydney to Fiji in January 2022 (empty flight pictured)

Allen joked that he had been put on a “private plane” as a present for his upcoming birthday.

“I literally have the whole plane to myself. I’m the only passenger,’ she said.

‘It’s for my birthday. I’m the VIP.

Then he showed a plate of sandwiches that the flight attendant had prepared for him, accompanied by a glass of sparkling wine.

“I had already booked business class, but I would have gotten it for free if I hadn’t,” he said.

“It was such a weird and strange experience, something I’ll never forget.”

Mr. Allen (above) joked that he was getting the VIP treatment for his upcoming birthday in the viral clip shared on Monday.

Mr. Allen (above) joked that he was getting the VIP treatment for his upcoming birthday in the viral clip shared on Monday.

Hundreds of commenters said the flight would be a

Hundreds of commenters called the flight a “dream” and laughed at Mr. Allen’s lonely baggage (above).

She also showed her suitcase standing alone in the baggage claim area.

“I was the only person on the plane, so he’s there by himself,” he said.

Allen wrote in the comments below the video that the return flight was only expecting 27 passengers.

Hundreds of Australians wrote that the empty flight would be their dream come true.

Mr. Allen was given his own personal plate of snacks on board the flight.

Mr. Allen was given his own personal plate of snacks on board the flight.

He also enjoyed a beautiful three-course meal on board.

He also enjoyed a beautiful three-course meal on board.

“As an introvert I want this, really bad,” one person wrote.

“I would be scared by the empty door thinking I had the wrong door,” said another.

‘For those who say they would have canceled the flight, no they would not. There would be a full flight back from Fiji so the plane has to be there,” added a third.


A ‘ghost flight’ means that a plan is running a scheduled flight with less than 10 percent of its customer capacity filled.

Airlines often perform ghost flights to meet contractual obligations and maintain slots at airports.

However, ghost flights are often criticized for wasting fuel and needlessly increasing carbon emissions.