HomepageHealth Liam in Health Parents, teachers and school staff in Britain: what is your experience of school dinners these days? From a headteacher complaint letter about the poor quality of meals at his schools has been widely shared on social media. The catering company has apologized and promised an “immediate action plan”. We’d like to hear from parents, teachers and other staff in UK schools about their views on the quality and appeal of school meals today. 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Your responses, which may be anonymous, are secure because the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the information you provide to us for the purpose of the position and we will delete any personal information when we no longer need it for this purpose. For true anonymity, you can use our SecureDrop service instead. Next Read: Virginia wildlife center staff dress up in fox outfit to soothe rescued newborn » Related Post How Alcohol is Affecting Your Cardiovascular Health Alcohol consumption is a widespread practice with social and cultural significance. Moderate alcohol intake has… How to Recognize the Signs of Anxiety Disorders Do you ever find yourself worrying and stressing more than normal? Or have difficulty sleeping,… Transform Your Health Journey: Dive into Far Infrared Sauna Therapy In the pursuit of holistic well-being, numerous innovative therapies have emerged, but one that has…