Palestinian terrorist expected to be swapped for hostages demanded Israel pay for her plastic surgery after explosive she detonated left her with serious burns

  • Asraa Jabas was seriously disfigured after a gas cylinder exploded during an attack

A Palestinian terrorist expected to be released during the hostage crisis controversially demanded that Israel pay for her plastic surgery after she injured herself in an attack.

Asraa Jabas, 38, was left seriously disfigured after a gas cylinder exploded during a 2015 attack in the West Bank, which also seriously injured a police officer.

She was sentenced to 11 years but has successfully applied for plastic surgery funding twice since her conviction – sparking outrage.

In the attack in the town of Ma’ale Adumim, 29 kilometers from Jerusalem, the police officer involved suffered serious burns to his face.

As news spread that she would be among the prisoners released as part of the deal, several victims’ groups said they would petition to oppose her freedom.

Under Israeli law, as part of a deal, Palestinian prisoners will be released, their names published on the Justice Ministry website, and anyone who opposes the decision will have 24 hours to file a claim.

Asraa Jabas, 38, was severely disfigured after a gas canister exploded during a 2015 attack in the West Bank

Israeli media reported that Jabas was on the list and had successfully received two plastic surgery grants, but a third application for her nose to be rebuilt last year was rejected.

Officials denied the request, saying that unlike the surgery on her hands, it was “not necessary to preserve her health.”

News reports from 2015 revealed how Jabas detonated a device near a checkpoint after the 45-year-old police officer who was injured, Moshe Chan, stopped her for acting suspiciously.

When she came to a stop, she jumped out and shouted “Allah Akbar” before detonating a gas cylinder hidden in her bag.

Both were taken to hospital for treatment for severe burns and Mr Chan, who was awarded a medal for his bravery, later expressed surprise when he heard she had requested surgery.

He said: ‘I have post-traumatic stress disorder and this woman who caused this is in prison and getting an education and is now requesting cosmetic surgery.

‘Now that this terrorist wants to do an operation, what is the conclusion? Every man who commits an attack goes to prison, gets a diploma and comes out looking good.

“The entire nation of Israel is being harmed by these attacks, and the terrorists are getting the whole basket of drugs.

‘We are an excellent country, but in these cases where someone is in prison for causing harm, I just don’t understand how someone can get both a diploma and cosmetic treatment.’

She was sentenced to 11 years but has successfully applied twice for plastic surgery funding since her conviction - sparking outrage

She was sentenced to 11 years but has successfully applied for plastic surgery funding twice since her conviction – sparking outrage

Other detainees on the list are mainly men aged 18 or younger involved in stone throwing and rioting in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Hardline National Security Minister Itama Ben Gvir, who wants to introduce the death penalty for terrorists, much to the fear of hostage families, has rejected the deal.

In a post on .

He added: “We have a moral obligation to bring everyone back, and we have no right or permission to agree to the idea of ​​separating them and only bringing some back.”

Mr Gvir went on to reject the deal for failing to secure the release of all women and children, calling it “immoral, illogical and very far from enough”, adding that it “should have been done differently”.

He continued: ‘Hamas wanted this ceasefire more than anything, it also wanted to get rid of the women and children in the first phase because they were causing international pressure.

‘It wanted in return fuel, the release of terrorists and even a ban on reconnaissance flights. It has them all.”