Palestinian killed by Israeli forces at Rantis checkpoint

Biadsa, 29, was killed as he arrived at the Rantis checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man at the Rantis checkpoint west of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, according to the Palestinian health ministry and the Israeli army.

Mahdi Biadsa, 29, was killed Friday as he arrived at the checkpoint in what the Israeli army said was a stolen vehicle.

The army added that Biadsa “attacked an IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldier and tried to steal his weapon’ while the vehicle was searched.

A Hamas spokesman, without claiming responsibility, said the incident showed that “the resistance in the West Bank is ready and able to confront the crimes of the occupation.”

Tensions are running high in the region as Israel expands its territory almost nightly military raids in the occupied territory under his rightmost government.

Israeli forces have killed at least 158 ​​Palestinians, including 26 children, since the beginning of the year, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The death toll includes 36 Palestinians killed by the Israeli army during a four-day assault on the besieged Gaza Strip in May.

More than 700,000 Israelis live in settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which Israel captured during the 1967 war.