Over three quarters of Gen Z youngsters do not want to work 9-5 jobs forever – and think they could run their own business using just a PHONE

A new study finds that more than three-quarters of Gen Z don’t want a 9-to-5 job for the rest of their lives.

A survey of Generation Z (people born between 1996 and 2012) found that 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future and do not want to work for someone else ‘forever’.

39% of budding entrepreneurs also believed they could run a business from their phone and 45% said they could make a living from social media.

By comparison, among older millennials, born between 1980 and 1996, only 57% wanted to become self-employed.

However, among groups born even earlier, the percentage of people who wanted to work for themselves was much lower: 36% for Generation X and 25% for the baby boomer generation.

Former Dragons Den star and web browser founder Sam Jones said Gen Z is the ‘most entrepreneurial generation yet’

Santander’s research also found that Gen Z were the most confident, with 77% believing a future business venture would be successful.

Older generations admitted there were fewer opportunities to start a business when they were younger and 44% said they felt pressured to follow a traditional education and career path.

Sam Jones, former Dragons Den star and founder of web browser Gener8, told The Telegraph: ‘Generation Z is proving to be the most entrepreneurial generation yet…

“They have grown up fully immersed in the digital age, where information, tools and global connections are just a click away. They are uniquely positioned to outpace previous generations in turning ideas into reality.”

New research shows 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future (Stock Photo)

New research shows 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future (Stock Photo)

Mike Regnier, CEO of Santander UK, judging the start-up awards, said: “It’s clear that digitally savvy Gen Z have a fantastic entrepreneurial spirit.

‘But the qualities you need to succeed on your own are not age-related. Entrepreneurship is vital to the growth of the British economy.

‘We are proud to support starters with the X Awards. This gives entrepreneurs of all ages the chance to win funding and support, so they can take their business to the next level.’