Oregon ‘Kidnapper’ Negasi Zuberi appeared on JUDGE JUDY using one of his aliases where his ex was ordered to pay him $2,500 for throwing a glass bottle at him and bleaching his suits

Oregon “kidnapper” Negasi Zuberi appeared on Judge Judy with an alias in which his ex was ordered to pay him $2,500 for throwing a glass bottle at him.

Zuberi appeared on the show using the alias Justin Hythe, one of several listed by the FBI at a press conference on Wednesday.

The episode references his move from California to New York, two of the places the FBI said Zuberi, 29, had lived in for the past 10 years.

Zuberi was arrested on July 16 after kidnapping a Seattle woman and holding her captive in a cinder block cell at his Oregon home. He has also been linked to at least four violent assaults in four other states.

It is also said that three years before he was arrested on July 16, he “threatened to kill the mother of his children.”

Zuberi appeared on the popular show under the name Justin Hyche and had used one of the aliases issued by the FBI

Zuberi was arrested after a woman escaped from a cinder block cell he had held her in under his Oregon rental home

Zuberi was arrested after a woman escaped from a cinder block cell he had held her in under his Oregon rental home

On the Judge Judy episode, Zuberi sued his children’s mother, Alycia Westfall, for throwing a glass bottle at him and damaging his suits with bleach.

At the time of the episode, which originally aired in September 2018, the two were living separately and shared custody of their sons.

Westfall sued Zuberi for destroying her cell phone and filing a “false restraining order.”

The episode ended with Judge Judy ordering Westfall to pay Zuberi $2,500 in damages.

Years later, the alleged kidnapper fled to Reno, Nevada, where he was arrested one day by state police after a woman, who has not yet been identified, escaped from a cinder block prison he allegedly built and held her captive.

The woman was abducted just after midnight on July 15, sexually assaulted and driven away for more than seven hours, according to an indictment.

Hidden in the makeshift cell, the woman slept and woke up with the realization that if she didn’t try to escape, she would probably die. She broke open the door, leaving her hands bloodied.

On the Judge Judy episode, Zuberi sued his children's mother, Alycia Westfall, for throwing a glass bottle at him and damaging his suits with bleach.

On the Judge Judy episode, Zuberi sued his children’s mother, Alycia Westfall, for throwing a glass bottle at him and damaging his suits with bleach.

Westfall sued Zuberi for vandalizing her cell phone and filing a 'false restraining order'

Westfall sued Zuberi for vandalizing her cell phone and filing a ‘false restraining order’

The FBI has released eerie photos of the tiny rooms in which he kept her captive.

“She slammed her hands on the door until they were bloody to get loose,” Klamath Police Chief Rob Reynolds said at a news conference Wednesday.

“Her quick thinking and will to survive may have saved other women from a similar nightmare.”

On July 15, Zuberi allegedly traveled from his rental home in Klamath Falls to Seattle, where he solicited the woman for prostitution along Aurora Ave — a known area for prostitution, according to court documents.

The woman told police Zuberi told her he was an undercover cop before showing her a badge.

He pointed a stun gun at her and placed her in the back seat of his car after handcuffing and leg ironing her.

Zuberi drove more than seven hours to his home in Klamatha Falls only to pull over when he “pulled over his vehicle and forced (the victim) to perform both oral and vaginal sex.”

After being placed in this cell, the victim

After being placed in this cell, the victim “slept briefly and woke up with the realization that if she didn’t try to escape, she would probably die.”

Woman miraculously escaped from a cinder block cell after being kidnapped in Seattle by a man posing as an undercover cop and driving for more than seven hours

Woman miraculously escaped from a cinder block cell after being kidnapped in Seattle by a man posing as an undercover cop and driving for more than seven hours

1691198008 111 Oregon Kidnapper Negasi Zuberi appeared on JUDGE JUDY using one

The affidavit stated that “Zuberi tried to have anal sex with (the victim) but stopped after (the victim) begged him not to.”

When they arrived, Zuberi put his captor in jail – saying he was leaving to do paperwork.

The woman “slept briefly and woke up with the realization that if she didn’t try to escape, she would probably die,” the statement of the arrest said.

She started banging on the metal door, breaking some of the welded joints, leaving a small opening through which she climbed.

The victim saw Zuberi’s vehicle parked in the garage, opened it, grabbed his gun and then took off.

She left blood on a wooden fence she climbed over to escape, before flagging down a passing driver, who called 911.

According to the complaint, detectives questioned Zuberi’s wife and neighbors.

Zuberi fled the rental house in Klamath Falls to Reno, Nevada, where he was arrested by state police a day later

Zuberi fled the rental house in Klamath Falls to Reno, Nevada, where he was arrested by state police a day later

They would not say if there was any indication that any of them knew about the kidnapping of the Seattle woman.

When Zuberi was arrested by Nevada State Patrol officers in a Walmart parking lot the day after he fled, he was with his wife and at least one of his children. It is still unclear how many children he has.

When approached by the officers, he refused to leave his car, started cutting himself with a sharp object and tried to destroy his phone.

Investigators said when they searched Zuberi’s home and garage, they found the makeshift cell, the woman’s wallet and handwritten notes.

One of the notes was titled “Operation Take Over” and contained a bulleted list with statements such as “Leave the phone at home” and “Make sure they don’t have a bunch of people in their lives.” You don’t want any investigation.’

Another handwritten document appeared to contain a rough sketch for an underground structure using concrete blocks, foam insulation and waterproof concrete.

The FBI is now investigating whether Zuberi may have had other victims.

They also investigate whether he may have used other methods to gain control over women, including drugging their potions.

The agency said it was setting up a website asking anyone who believes they may have been victimized to come forward.

The rental home in Klamath Falls, where Zuberi allegedly took the woman, is owned by the city's mayor, Carol Westfall, and her husband, Kevin, according to property records.

The rental home in Klamath Falls, where Zuberi allegedly took the woman, is owned by the city’s mayor, Carol Westfall, and her husband, Kevin, according to property records.

Another handwritten document appeared to contain a rough sketch for an underground structure using concrete blocks, foam insulation and waterproof concrete

Another handwritten document appeared to contain a rough sketch for an underground structure using concrete blocks, foam insulation and waterproof concrete

Investigators said when they searched Zuberi's home and garage, they found the makeshift cell, the woman's wallet and handwritten notes.

Investigators said when they searched Zuberi’s home and garage, they found the makeshift cell, the woman’s wallet and handwritten notes.

As of 2016, Zuberi has been living in multiple states, possibly including California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Alabama and Nevada, according to the FBI.

He went by a number of different names, including Justin Joshua Hyche, Sakima Zuberi, and Justin Kouassi.

In July 2020, a woman who has not been identified as a possible victim of domestic violence filed a petition for a domestic violence restraining order against one of the aliases “Justin Kouassi.”

“He attacks me physically, he beats me, he brakes (sic) and throws things, he yells at the kids and me…we wake up every night because of him being drunk and loud and scaring us,” the court document said. to the Contra Costa County, California and obtained by NBC read.

It remains unclear whether the warrant has been issued or if the case has been dropped. However, the document states that the September 2020 appearance has been dropped from the court calendar.

The alleged 2020 victim also claimed that Zuberi took her phone to avoid calling the police and took her money as a form of financial abuse.

The document also claims that the two children she allegedly had with Zuberi are “afraid of him.”