Optical illusion reveals whether YOU are shy and have trust issues – or a true social butterfly

Psychologists have been analyzing the human brain for years in an attempt to better understand the complex organ.

This The new TikTok brainteaser, shared by US-based PsychologyLove100 TikTok account, promises to tell you what kind of person you are based on what you see first.

Viewers of the video are confronted with an image of a man in a rusty puffer jacket, galloping around a frozen lake at night, with his shadow in the background.

Next to him is a forest, a packed crowd of people and a striking full moon.

The video begins: “If your first impression is of a forest, you may seem reserved when meeting new people.”

The image shows what appears to be a man skating on a frozen lake, to the left of a dark green forest and next to crowds of shocked people

The video continues, “As you get to know someone better, your personality blossoms into one that is both humorous and warm-hearted.

“In fact, once you develop a liking for someone, you do everything you can to ensure their happiness.”

The narrator explained that if you see the forest first, you tend to become discouraged when your efforts are not reciprocated by people, and that you often struggle with public speaking, but never give up.

He added: ‘Conversely, if your first impression is of a busy crowd, you are a real social butterfly. Your talent for making friends and building networks continues to amaze people.’

He also said that you are a cynic by nature – sometimes even struggling with trust issues – but usually choose optimism.

‘Many are jealous of your charisma and charm, but you handle it politely and strive to help as many people as possible.

“Sometimes all you have to do is talk to the right people, present your ideas to them, and they will support you and help you turn your ideas into reality.”

It follows an optical illusion that supposedly reveals what temperament you possess – and it also comes down to what you see first.

It is said that the monochrome image reveals your true temperament, whether you fly off the handle quickly or are calm like a gentle autumn breeze

This mind-boggling optical illusion was shared by Mia Yilin on TikTok, where she has more than 450,000 followers.

According to the TikTokker, the photo can be deciphered whether you are a hothead who is likely to fly out of control, or whether you are as calm as a meadow at sunrise.

In a video that has now been viewed more than 46,000 times, Mia revealed that if you see an older woman first in the monochrome image, you are more ‘down to earth’ in nature.

She said, “When you first saw the old lady, you are someone who would rather give someone their way than waste time arguing.”

If you notice the older lady, it means that you are more logical in your approach to relationships with others.

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