Opera’s major upgrade to AI assistant Aria creates images, speaks aloud and summarizes chats

The Opera GX gaming browser has expanded its AI assistant Aria with several new AI tools, including image capture, speaking aloud, summarizing conversations and creating appropriate links for the conversation.

Aria’s new ability to generate images from text prompts uses Google’s Imagen2 model. Users can generate up to 30 images per day, with the option to redo the image creation if they’re not satisfied. In addition to generating images, Aria has also gained the ability to understand and provide context to user-uploaded images. This allows users to upload an image and ask Aria questions about it.

Talking Aria

The text side of things has also gotten an upgrade with the new “Chat Summary” and “Links to Sources” features. As the name suggests, Chat Summary provides a concise summary of the conversation with Aria, allowing users to quickly review important points. This is especially useful for long interactions where users need to recall important details without having to scroll through entire chat logs.

Meanwhile, the Links to Sources provides you with relevant links on the topics discussed with the AI. The idea is to help you dive deeper into topics of interest, access additional information, and verify the AI’s answers. Such features are designed to make the chat interaction more comprehensive and resourceful.

Opera GX is a browser designed by Opera for gamers, with features like network bandwidth throttles to keep games uninterrupted, Twitch integration, and built-in gaming news feeds. Opera isn’t one of the browser behemoths in terms of user base like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, but it does have a loyal community that’s interested in more niche innovations and privacy features. Opera GX tends to be a leader in bringing new tools that could eventually become mainstream across every browser, like this AI interface and content creation features.

This latest update reflects the continued evolution of AI in improving user experiences across digital platforms. All new Aria features are now available to all Opera GX users.

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