Only two kids showed up to my little girl’s second birthday party even though 10 RSVP’d – it broke my heart

An Australian mother-of-one was left devastated after only two of 10 confirmed guests turned up at her daughter's birthday party.

Bre, from Perth, hired a play center that charged per child for her daughter's second birthday, but hardly anyone showed up and gave no explanation.

The 23-year-old provided an impressive array of food and elaborately decorated the party space with a place at the table for every child she expected to attend.

“We had ten parents tell us their kids would be there and because it's also a play center you have to pay per child,” Bre said in a TikTok video.

“But it was only her best friend from daycare and her best friend's older sister and her cousin who showed up.”

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Mother Bre, from Perth, was left devastated when only two of the 10 children whose parents had confirmed attendance turned up at her daughter's second birthday party

The 23-year-old provided an impressive array of food and elaborately decorated the party space with a place at the table for every child she expected to attend.

The 23-year-old provided an impressive array of food and elaborately decorated the party space with a place at the table for every child she expected to attend.

Bre said she had not received any messages or calls from the guests saying they wouldn't be able to come except for one.

“One of them called me five hours later and said, 'Sorry I took a nap,'” she said.

“Parents, please do better if you can't come, just say so.”

However, the toddler didn't let the no-shows deter her and enjoyed playing with her friend and nephew.

“The birthday girl didn't let things ruin her day at all – thank goodness she's at the age where she doesn't notice things like that anymore and she had a great time,” Bre said.

“We are so grateful for the people who came and that she was surrounded by genuine love on her special day.”

Bre said she “wouldn't wish” the “nightmare” on anyone else and reminded parents that if the same thing happens to them, all that matters is that “your child had fun and you did your part.”

“I didn't want any negativity surrounding this special beautiful moment, but I finally decided to share this because I bet there are more parents who have experienced this than just me,” she said.

“It's actually a nightmare of mine that this happened because you see these videos where it looks like no one showed up for my birthday. It's just very sad and something you would never want for your own child or family member.”

Bre's heartbreaking video captured the attention of more than 182,200 viewers who shared their support for the shattered mother.

“Honestly, these adults need to grow up. Why would you say you're coming and not even show up? I'm so sorry this happened. You are such a great mom,” one woman replied.

'Sorry, that's awful, but she's beautiful! Don't worry, she'll look back and think of her beautiful mother and how much effort she put into it,” wrote another.

'She's so beautiful. I'm glad she still had a good time. I'm sorry people are so horrible and didn't take the time to let you know they couldn't come,” a third added.