Only those with incredible eyesight can see the dead battery in this mind-boggling brainteaser

This tricky brainteaser promises to test the nerves of even the smartest individuals.

The mind-boggling puzzle, created by The Electric Car Scheme, tasks participants with finding the dead battery among dozens of other battery icons.

The creators claim that the record for someone to spot an odd one out is just six seconds.

However, only the sharpest eyes and quickest minds can locate the dead battery within 38 seconds – the time limit imposed by Electric Car Company to separate the bright sparks from the dim bulbs.

Created by The Electric Car Scheme, this mind-boggling puzzle tasks participants with finding the dead battery among dozens of other battery icons in 38 seconds

The mind-boggling challenge presents a grid of batteries, each positioned at a different charge level.

The batteries are presented in three different colors – red, green and black – adding an extra layer of complexity to the challenge.

Participants are encouraged to put their cognitive skills to the test and use their eyes to carefully scan each row in the grid.

Camouflaged among its more energetic counterparts is the dead battery – but where exactly is it located?

The answer lies on the right side of the brainteaser image, just above one of the rows in the middle.

If you look closer, you’ll see the dead battery, nestled between a three-bar battery and a two-bar battery placed third from the right.

If you managed to solve the exciting puzzle in 38 seconds or less, congratulations, because you are officially among those with a high IQ.

Meanwhile, another new brainteaser claims that only highly intelligent people can spot the strange letter in a sea of ​​letters.

If you look closer, you’ll see the dead battery, nestled between a three-bar battery and a two-bar battery, placed third from the right

You have a high IQ if you can solve this brainteaser in 13 seconds or less

A new puzzle features rows of K’s and X’s and asks viewers to find the hidden letter.

Finding the letter requires creative and quick thinking, and if you can find the letter in 13 seconds or less, your intelligence level is higher than people who take longer.

Finding the letter is not so much about looking and just seeing, but about finding another way to look at it.

You can scan the rows back and forth quickly, but the real test is how quickly you develop problem-solving and logical reasoning skills.

The answer is that the other letter is ‘Y’, which is hidden in the fourth row and 13th column between the X’s.

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