One in four black men in the UK refused a prostate cancer test from their GP, research shows

A report has revealed that one in four black men in the UK have been refused a prostate cancer test by their GP, despite being twice as likely to develop the disease as the general male population.

A PSA test measures the amount of the protein prostate-specific antigen in the blood and can detect prostate cancer at an early stage.

But according to a questionnaire A study of 2,000 black men in the UK by Prostate Cancer Research found that almost a quarter (24%) of men who wanted to be tested in the past year were stopped by a GP.

The research also found that a quarter (25%) felt discrimination was preventing them from getting tested for prostate cancer, while just under half (47%) thought they would receive the same level of care from the NHS as their white peers.

The survey also found that 22% of black men between the ages of 45 and 54 did not have a PSA test despite asking for one, many of whom were told by their family doctors that the test was unnecessary.

The report also found that 84% of black people thought more medical research should be done with black people. A similar figure (83%) agreed that more black people should participate in medical research and 73% said things would only improve if this happened.

Black men in the UK are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer in their lifetime than other men. One in four black men will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime, compared to one in eight for all men.

More than one million men worldwide are diagnosed with the disease each year. Survival rates are relatively good: 78% of men survive 10 years or more after diagnosis, especially if diagnosed early. Many can live for decades without symptoms or treatment.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with 55,100 new cases according to Cancer Research UK every year.

Oliver Kemp, CEO of Prostate Cancer Research, said: “These stark figures are shocking and an important call to action. It shouldn’t be the community alone that has to solve this. Just as we’ve seen community members come together around our Real Talk campaign, we’re calling on government, the NHS and other partners to come together and work with us to close this health gap.

“It is vital that we raise awareness not just in the community, but also among healthcare professionals and policymakers. We are calling on GPs to consider the greater risk of black men when considering PSA testing, and the government to introduce screening for men in at-risk groups – our data shows that 82% of black men would be willing to take part in such a programme, if it were rolled out. It is staggering to think how many lives could be saved.”