Officer skipped over footage showing his violent arrest of a pregnant black woman has been retired

This is the shocking moment when a Florida cop drags a pregnant black woman out of her car and slams it to the ground, enraging the city after he was allowed to retire.

Police were called to the scene in Boca Raton in May by a witness who said partners Harry Hardy and Nerillia Laurent had had a heated argument.

Officer Matthew McNichol’s bodycam footage confronts the pair, including him telling the two that Boca Raton was “his town.”

After he welds Laurent out of the car, McNichol grabs her arm and twists it behind her back and pulls her to the ground, all the while screaming “I’m pregnant.”

As McNichol pins Laurent to the ground, her partner Hardy can be heard saying, “She’s six months pregnant, what’s wrong with him?!” to another officer.

Despite Laurent protesting that she was pregnant at the time, McNichol dragged her out of the vehicle

Officer Matthew McNichol, pictured here, had grabbed McNichol from her vehicle and forced her to the ground while she was pregnant first reported that Officer McNichol was allowed to retire from his department shortly after the incident in May of this year.

Boca Raton Human Resources confirmed that McNichol submitted his resignation on June 1, with his official last day on June 10.

In the video, McNichol can be seen approaching the vehicle and telling them, “Why are we getting all kinds of calls?”

Henry replies that they have a dispute, to which he replies, “You have a public dispute in my town, the city of Boca Raton.”

The three then start arguing after McNichol demands their IDs from them, which they refuse.

Henry tells McNichol, “She doesn’t have to give you her license,” while Laurent can be heard saying, “If you arrest me now and ground me and I’m pregnant, you’ll be charged.”

For the next two minutes, McNichol continues to tell the two that they will be arrested for not cooperating.

Henry is heard telling the former officer, “Don’t touch her, she’s pregnant.” McNichol tells Laurent, “I’m going to lock you up,” to which she replies, “I don’t care.”

After going back and forth with the two, McNichol grabs onto Laurent, seen here in this photo

Laurent was then pinned to the ground as she and her children cried out over her arrest

The officer then grabs her by the rest as she and her children sitting in the car scream.

Henry tries to go to the aid of his partner, but is forced to back off after being threatened with a taser by the McNichol and his other officer.

Laurent keeps screaming, “I’m pregnant,” while McNichol keeps telling her countless times that he “don’t care.”

As he takes her to the back of his squad car, he tells her to “stop being dramatic.”

Footage then shows Henry yelling at the officers and saying, “She’s six months pregnant, what’s wrong with him.”

Henry is then also arrested by McNichol and continues to yell at him, “She’s pregnant, six months pregnant.” Aggressive for no reason.’

Henry tries to go to the aid of his partner, but is forced to back off after being threatened with a taser by the McNichol and his other officer.

After the footage was released, Laurent, pictured here on the right, said she didn’t want another family to be traumatized the way they had been

Boca Raton’s chief of police said they had opened an investigation into the incident, but McNichol is said to have now resigned

McNichol seems to goad McNichol by telling him he’s “going to jail.”

In a statement following the release of the video, Police Chief Michele Miuccio said: “An internal investigation into the conduct of the officer has been launched and will be thoroughly investigated and appropriately addressed based on the outcome of that investigation.”

After the images were released, Laurent said CBS12 news“I actually want him to never do this to another couple, another person.” I don’t want another child to be traumatized by him.’

The Boca Raton Police Department confirmed that Laurent was charged with resisting an officer and was issued a ticket for not having a valid permit.

She had also been arrested on an active warrant from Palm Beach County for non-appearance.

Hardy was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer.

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