To start Q Pixel has created its own polychromatic RGB microLED technology to replace the age-old monochromatic LED and solve several major problems with the decade-old microLED display technology.
The Silicon Catalyst Portfolio Company has developed what is described as the “highest resolution active matrix color display” in the world, with a whopping 6800 pixels per inch (PPI). While most high-end VR displays use micro-organic LEDs (micro-OLEDs), Q-Pixel’s displays consist entirely of III-V composite microLED pixels, synthesized from inorganic materials, which the company says has grown “over a single composite semiconductor wafer, without any use of subpixels, quantum dots, color filters, polarizers or mechanical stacking.”
These III-V composite microLED pixels provide higher brightness, faster response times and better energy efficiency, making them ideal for next-generation headsets such as Apple Vision Pro. For comparison, Apple’s current generation display offers “only” 3380 PPI.
Surpassing OLEDs
“By delivering the world’s highest resolution active matrix color display (6800 PPI), Q-Pixel has achieved two important milestones,” said company co-founder and CEO JC Chen.
“First, we have proven that it is possible to produce ultra-high resolution active displays based on microLED technology. Secondly, Q-Pixel has demonstrated that our TP-LED pixel technology surpasses more mature display technologies such as OLEDs and achieves a world record pixel density. With these latest achievements, Q-Pixel has established the company as a pioneer in microLED and will begin commercializing dazzling displays.”
The biggest hurdle in bringing microLED displays to market has been the complex and costly process of assembling and testing millions of individual red, green and blue (RGB) microLED subpixels. Q-Pixel’s approach addresses this challenge by replacing the three RGB sub-pixels with individual, fully color-tunable pixels.
The technology was discussed Compound Semiconductor Magazine where Q-Pixel’s CTO Michelle Chen said: “The lack of new advancements in displays is evident as major industry players and start-ups rush to new technology solutions. The entire display industry is now on the cusp of a major paradigm shift, with microLED displays set to play an important role in the final technologies based on organic LEDs and LCDs. It is not so much a question of if, but when the industry will adopt microLED technology.”