NYPD free man locked in the vault of a jewelry store in New York’s diamond district for NINE HOURS after workers locked the doors behind him as he went to the vault

  • The unknown man had access to his vault in the World Diamond Tower

New York police had to free an innocent man who had been locked in one of the jewelry store vaults in the Diamond District for nine hours.

The unidentified 23-year-old customer entered his vault in the World Diamond Tower when workers unknowingly closed the door behind him.

According to officials, the man was locked up around 8:45 PM last night and finally released around 6 AM today.

The safe, located in the basement of the building, has a time clock door, meaning it cannot be unlocked before the time set during installation.

New York police had to free an innocent man who had been locked in one of the jewelry store vaults in the Diamond District for nine hours.

No employee or officer can circumvent the system. The vault is a ‘communal vault’, owned by DGA Security, as there are several shops in the tower.

FDNY official John Sarrocco explained, “There was a customer in the safe at the time it closed. Once it is closed, it is on a timing mechanism. That safe won’t open again until a certain amount of time has passed.’

When the door locked itself for security reasons and the man realized he was trapped, he called 911. Within minutes, a massive rescue operation took place on the ground.

First responders tried

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