Nutrition expert reveals the ‘healthiest teas in the world’ that will help to treat EVERY ailment – from digestive issues and sleep troubles to acne and nausea

A nutritionist has revealed the 'world's healthiest teas' that will help improve every aspect of your life – from your sleep to your skin.

Amanda Rocchio is a health influencer who regularly shares recipes and tips to improve your life and immune system on her Instagram account, where she has more than 1.5 million followers.

Recently, the US-based expert took to social media to bring good news to tea lovers as she shared the best ones to solve every problem in your life.

She talked about the benefits of green, ginger, peppermint and hibiscus tea and revealed which flavor you should be sipping to improve your life.

Amanda Rocchio is a health influencer who has revealed the 'world's healthiest teas' that will help improve every aspect of your life – from your sleep to your skin

Recently, the US-based expert took to social media to bring good news to tea lovers as she shared the best ones to solve every problem in your life

Amanda explained that these were the healthiest teas and asked people online what they would be more likely to sip.

In a viral video, which has been viewed more than 150,000 times so far, she poured the drinks into different cups.

As she poured each tea, she explained its benefits.

People on the internet couldn't get enough of Amanda's lifestyle and nutrition tips.

They praised her for sharing the benefits of drinking tea daily.

Tea lovers flooded the comments section, sharing their favorite tea flavors.

Although Amanda appeared to be pouring hot tea in her video, people online noted that the benefits don't differ depending on whether you drink the drink hot or cold.

In the comments section, Amanda mentioned that she enjoys buying her tea online.

Need more energy? Sip green tea

Amanda gushed about the benefits of green tea, which she said can help give you more energy

Amanda started enthusiastically about the benefits of green tea.

She said: 'Drink green tea for energy and antioxidants. Green tea contains caffeine, L-theanine and antioxidants, perfect for energy and overall health.”

According to HealthlineGreen tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that can prevent cell damage.

A study even reveals that sipping green tea daily can improve cognitive functions.

And if you're trying to lose some weight, green tea may be the perfect fat-burning tool because it helps increase your metabolism, according to a 2022 study. judgement.

Green tea has also been shown to reduce the risk of both lung and cervical cancer study.

Get minty fresh breath and digest your food better by drinking peppermint tea

The nutritionist then talked about the benefits of drinking peppermint tea every day

The nutritionist then talked about the benefits of drinking peppermint tea every day.

“Drink peppermint tea to aid digestion,” she said.

According to HealthlinePeppermint tea has no fewer than 12 benefits.

Several studies have shown that peppermint tea helps people with digestion.

Even those suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) experienced symptom relief after sipping peppermint tea, according to a researcher. study.

In addition to helping with digestion, peppermint tea can also be a muscle relaxant and reduce migraines.

It also freshens your breath, boosts your energy and helps clear sinuses.

Need a good night's sleep? Drink chamomile tea

When it comes to your nighttime routine, Amanda recommends adding chamomile tea to get a peaceful sleep.

When it comes to your nighttime routine, Amanda recommends adding chamomile tea to get a peaceful sleep.

She said, “Drink chamomile tea to improve sleep quality and for relaxation.

'Chamomile tea is great to drink in the evening to improve overall sleep quality and promote relaxation.'

According to Really simpleThe antioxidant apigenin found in chamomile tea helps promote better sleep.

This same antioxidant may also lower the risk of gastrointestinal pain, arthritis, autoimmune diseases and depression.

And if you're feeling stressed, chamomile tea can also be the perfect drink to ease your anxiety.

No more nausea! Ginger tea can relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and dizziness

After talking about the benefits of chamomile tea, Amanda switched to ginger tea

After talking about the benefits of chamomile tea, Amanda switched to ginger tea.

She said: 'Ginger tea is known to help with nausea and also helps reduce inflammation.'

According to HealthlineGinger root contains gingerols and shogaols, which are considered bioactive components and help improve your health.

A study shows that sipping ginger tea can help relieve symptoms of motion sickness and dizziness.

More research noted that ginger was more effective than all standard medications in preventing nausea and vomiting, especially after general anesthesia.

It has also been shown to help manage weight loss and relieve pain and inflammation.

Give your skin a boost! Hibiscus tea can help you get glowing skin

Finally, the nutritionist raved about the benefits of hibiscus tea

Finally, the nutritionist raved about the benefits of hibiscus tea.

She said: 'Hibiscus tea is great for supporting overall skin health and beauty.'

Sipping the ruby ​​flower brings a wealth of health benefits.

According to Tea dropsResearch has shown that drinking hibiscus tea twice a day for 15 days can lower cholesterol levels.

Hibiscus tea is also packed with antioxidants, so it helps give your body the strength it needs to fight infections and reduce stress levels.

And if you're trying to get in shape, you can lose belly fat by drinking hibiscus tea every day for three months.

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