The NSW police officer's sneaky act has angered Australian motorists



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A photo of a police car hidden from view to spot speeding drivers and motorcyclists has sparked outrage from road users as it occupied an emergency safety ramp.

The photo shared to a group of motorcycle enthusiasts was taken on Putty Road, a scenic 168 kilometer stretch that connects the NSW Hunter Valley to the Hawkesbury region on the north-western edge of Sydney.

The police car was hidden from oncoming traffic and positioned opposite an emergency exit, blocking access to vehicles that might have had to use it in the event of an accident.

Vehicles that encounter problems can come to a safe stop via the ramp.

Oncoming traffic would be unaware that the police (photo) were waiting to measure their speed

Many Aussies were unimpressed by the officer's actions.

“I have emailed this to Hawkesbury Area Command and also to the current mayor of Hawkesbury…. Hoping they wake up,” wrote one biker who shared the photo.

Other road users were equally outraged.

'For our safety', right? That's insane, one man wrote.

Another added: “Proof you don't have to be smart to be a cop.”

A third wrote: 'The rules say he endangers everyone including 'himself'. The finger of blame and accusation ultimately points back at yourself. His supervisor would like to see this photo.'

On-the-spot fines in NSW range from $137 and one penalty point for exceeding the 10km/h speed limit to a hefty $2,794 and six penalty points above 45km/h.

Sharp-eyed viewers who zoomed in on the image spotted the police car hidden on a security ramp

Tuesday marked the conclusion of the NSW Police Force's highly visible road safety policing over the Christmas and New Year period.

Police issued 8,069 speeding tickets, issued 631 drink-driving tickets and 1,374 drink-driving tickets, attended 740 major crashes and conducted 342,102 breath tests.

Five people died on the state's roads over the festive period, including two Sydney fathers in a five-car collision on the Great Western Highway near Lithgow.

NSW Police have been contacted for comment

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